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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Full-Proof Mediator

Do you need a mediator?  Someone to come between you and someone else or a problem and justify, explain or simply help see you through. 

God doesn't need a mediator, Paul tells us so.  When speaking to the Galatians and explaining the gravity of God's promises (especially the one about a redeemer and no more law... only grace and faith... weird, I know!) he tells them specifically:

Now a mediator involves more than one party, but God is one.  
- Galatians 3:20

I read that and I asked myself, "Why did Paul say something so contradictory?"  As I dug I learned that his point was not to be contradictory but, rather, to be profound and poignant.  God doesn't need a mediator!!  What He says goes.  No debate.  No lee-way.  With God... it just is.  So when He makes a promise, His Word stands.

Does our word stand?  Do we find ourselves making excuses or stepping back or unsure of what to speak up for?  I know I do at times.  Reading Galatians 3:20 (and all that preceded it) reassured me this week that God has my back! 

Actually... that is wrong... He has my heart and my whole being too.  With His Spirit inside me, who can stand against me?  Do I really need a mediator to stand on and up for Truth?  To defend my faith, my call, my existence in Christ and all the principles that stem there-of? 


I have the ONE Mediator that settles it all and in Him (not man) I will put my trust and hope... even if it seems like walls might tremble and fall!

May the Lord be your ROCK, your voice peace to resistance both within... and without.



Every life has testimonies of how God intercedes to show His power and glory.  To read the first installment in a brand new series of books about God's divine work in one person's life, click below


  1. Thank you for speaking those words of truth and peace today. Walls around me have trembled and threatened to fall today, and I've been trying to trust and not be afraid. Your post encouraged me to keep standing firm.

  2. He is so good, isn't he? So amazing...he knows us, what we will do...good/bad/indifferent...and it's all going to end up for His glory. It's so amazingly awesome!

  3. Well said! What a great verse and chapter to meditate on! I don't know if I have ever read that verse, truly read it. Thank you for sharing it.

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  4. This is good. God is our one and only mediator that has all the answers. All we have to do is rely and trust.

  5. Jennifer, I am so blessed to know these words could help reinforce your walls of protection! I pray you continue to stand firm!

    Rebecca,Yes! And how much easier to trust Him knowing that! I'm so glad He can do all the work for me! Cause truth be told, I botch it up myself every time!

    Mel,You have a lovely blog, thank you for sharing! So blessed you stopped by today :-) Blessings!

    Robin, Thank you and yes! :) Bless you today!
