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Monday, November 30, 2015

Menu Monday: Week of November 30th

How was your Thanksgiving?  Did you get stuffed like a .... you know! We certainly did.  Here are some pictures from last week... with evidence of our Turkey-day delights...

My Thanksgiving Mantel-scape

Turkeys in disguise to avoid being the main course

Our Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Brooke did the Pumpkin Pie completely by herself!  Even used the idea of mini-pumpkin pies she saw on Pinterest.  Brenden "frosted" the cookies with melted Chocolate

The Turkey cookies before "frosting"...

... and after!  The chocolate hardens.  Aren't Brooke's little pies cute?  They and the big one were delicious.

The rest of the dessert buffet.  I put out fudge and toffee as well.

Appetizers which we use for lunch while waiting on the turkey.

They were goofing around and I caught them trying to act like they weren't!  Brooke's face is the give-away though!

Wrapped up the weekend with a decorated tree!

As I mentioned above, I tried a last-minute easy-toffee recipe I found through a link up and it was amazingly easy and melt-in-your-mouth delicious.  Check it out here.

This week is a pretty basic week and a bit of a calm before the proverbial storm.  (Next week we have daily rehearsals before the curtain call of our church's big Christmas production next Friday).  I am doing some final little Christmas decor touches and cleaning up the aftermath of Thanksgiving and decorating.  Feeling weary with your daily to-dos?  Check out this article I found last week about What it Really Means to our Husbands When We Manage Our Homes.  I shared it on Facebook today.  It encouraged me a great deal.  Oh, and one other awesomely excitable note: we get to go see Handel's Messiah performed LIVE on Sunday afternoon.  I have never seen it live and the whole family is looking forward to this amazing experience.

Menu for this week...

- eggs and potato cakes
- oatmeal
- cereal
- pancakes

hubby: leftover Pork Fried Rice, Chicken Salad
me and kids: leftovers, Ham or Bologna sandwiches


Turkey Casserole
It may sound weird but it is the easiest and best way to make use of your Thanksgiving leftovers.   Butter a 13x9 dish (I use margarine), cut bite-size pieces of leftover turkey and place along bottom, sprinkle a tad of leftover gravy, smear a layer of left-over stuffing, thin layer of gravy, layer of leftover mashed potatoes, thin layer of gravy.  Bake at 350-375 for about 30-45 minutes.  Basically, until good and warm all the way through.  Serve with any other left-over tidbits like Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Salad, and/or rolls.

Chicken Salad and Fresh Bread


Pork Fried Rice

Chicken Fettuccine with fresh Salad and Garlic Bread Sticks

Home-made Beef and Bean Burritos
I simply love this recipe for tortillas.  So easy and delicious.

Burgers and Home Fries


What are you cooking this week?



  1. I loved your Charlie Brown Thanksgiving pics! And, I cooked a turkey this week, since we didn't have one on Thanksgiving. (You can read my story on my blog about that... )
    Nice post! from Titus2Tuesday.

    1. I visited your story, what a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving! And how memorable for ALL involved! Thanks for stopping by :-)
