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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ruth and a Willingness to Help

It is that time of month again where we get to welcome a featured post from Nathan Keeney (bio below) and his series on attributes from Biblical characters we can challenge ourselves to learn from.

Willingness to Help
Read Ruth 2:13

Are you willing to help someone even if you don't know them?  What about your friends or family?  Well I think, no matter what, you should be willing to help someone.

We see, in Ruth 2, that Ruth was willing to help no matter what and if we read on in Ruth we see that she was Blessed by God for doing so.

When I was younger I had the privilege of filling my grandma and grandpa's wood box.  During the winter months I would trek over every day and get wood for them.  I enjoyed it because I knew it was helping them.

Are you willing to help like Ruth did?  Look around.  If you know someone that could use some help, reach out and give them a hand! 


Nathan Keeney is a homeschool high school senior living in eastern Montana.  With a heart to serve the Lord he has big plans after graduation.  First, he will be renewing his summer term with Christian Youth in Action, this time, instead of serving as a student, he will be filling the role of boy's counselor and club leader. In the fall he heads to Bible College where he plans to hone in on his calling in youth ministries.  He currently serves as a Bible study teacher in his small town church as well as leading a CYIA after school Bible club near his home.


You can look forward to more of Nathan's Bible character reflections and teachings right here on Faith and Home the first Wednesday of each month.

Scripture references from ESV Bible. Visit Bible Gateway for more resources in Bible Study and spiritual growth.

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