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Friday, March 3, 2017

Homeschool Journal: March 2017

 In my life this month…
March rolled in like a lamb and as long as the lion rolling out has to do with weather, I'm ok with that!  Especially since, in February, my document website (hopefully eventually to be my NEW website) was hacked by Russians!  Seriously!!  Hubby identified the hack and the source and we had to manage the problem so my PDF and e-Book downloads have been disrupted as we work out the kinks.

Also, we bought a car and returned a car within 24 hours.  Excitement and then disappointment thinking I was finally going to be able to safely leave the county.  However, we did get beyond the county line for a morning before we learned the car needed to go back!  Felt blessed God revealed the problems before we were obligated to it. Not sure yet if we are going to try for another but we are prayerfully considering it.

In other events, we look forward to St. Patrick's Day, not just for our Irish heritage, but because we simply like to have fun (Irish jigging is part of the deal) and celebrate the spread of Christianity to the Green Isle.  First day of Spring is exciting too, I love celebrating the changes of seasons.  I always plan a fun dinner.  Oh, and my little ole' birthday rounds out this month.  No special plans but I do look forward to having a dinner of my choice that day! 
  • In our homeschool this month…
We missed 2 weeks in February.  Just as we were geared to push through and make-up for lost time.  Kids were sick though and we had no choice.  We did get started on our Constitution study in February and while I had hoped to finish it before month's end it looks like Mid-March will be our wrap-up on that.  Then we jump into the early years of America, not sure if we will make it to the Civil War before the month's out but I hope to.

The Algebra combo we tried with Brenden and Brooke is going really well.  We will be jumping into a new unit with that before the week is out.  Brenden still needs to finish Consumer Math for the year as well so I will be trying to work that in on top of his regular studies on the days he doesn't work.

In Science we start studying the Oceans this week.  I'm not certain if we will jump into the subsequent Chemistry unit afterwords or push that till the end of the year and do the Geology unit next.  Keep an eye out on Fridays here to see which direction we go!

Brooke was not a big fan of her Abeka 9th Grade Composition at the start of the year but it has actually grown on her.  She is really 'getting it' the farther in we go and it is exciting to see her enjoying the content.  

Brenden has really gotten a-hold of his Writing with Skill curriculum.  It is helping him grow as a writer as well as understanding themes and content in pieces he reads.  I highly recommend it.
  • My favorite thing this month…
Seasons changing!  I love the seasons.  They all have something special and something challenging - just like life!  They are new beginnings four times a year, new hope, ideas, and ways of living (unless you live in a more moderate climate!)  I'm looking forward to bringing out my spring decor with fresh silk flowers, bright colors, and fun springy trinkets!  And bunnies!!!!  Brooke loves bunnies and because of her love and their cuteness... I love them too!
  • What’s working/not working for us…
Working... our curriculum.  I questioned parts of it at the beginning of the year but as we have stuck to it, I love seeing the kids grow and learn and even still get excited about their work... even in the things that have a seemingly monotonous routine, they seem to like the predictability in some things.

Not working... Time off!  The kids actually like their school work (who would have ever thought that day would come!)  They are driven to see their curriculum complete and, apparently, no one is happy with too much time off... even if they were sick for most of it!
  • Homeschool thoughts I have…
Not to contradict what I just got done typing, but I do really need to schedule half-days here and there to get out of the house and breathe in the air... especially now that the weather is on an up-swing.  With our upcoming geology unit we could turn it into a science expedition!  We are going to have to push through our originally planned spring break to make up for what we missed and, while the kids are totally cool with that, I don't want them to burn out and so we need to find ways to balance play into our schedule.
  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
It warmed up for a few days in February and we had lunch on the back porch!

  • On my blog in case you missed it…
I re-kindled weekly Homeschool Journal posts!  Each one begins with a small article on homeschool topics (so far I've covered how to deal with the Doldrums and Being Content With Your Curriculum) and then leads into a break-down of our week in homeschooling.  Be sure to check back each Friday/Saturday to see more.  Menu Mondays meshed with Keeper's At Home kicked off as well.  Pop back each Monday for inspiration.

That is our homeschool for this month.  I pray your homeschool springs to life in March!


 as well as this monthly meme:


  1. I find we don't do well with entire weeks off either but shortened days we can do!

    1. It is encouraging to know I'm not alone! Thank you :-)

  2. oh my - funny/not funny that you were hacked by the Russians! Hope you're able to get that all sorted and back to normal again soon. We had a beautiful warm spring day here on Wednesday as well, and then today - very cold again, and even a little snow! Thanks for linking up at Homeschool Highlights!

    1. Thanks again for providing a great link-up! We use to build websites for missionaries overseas and hacking by Muslim and Russian groups wasn't uncommon for them. I actually laughed and told my husband I must have finally "arrived" if I was getting hacked by Russians! lol

  3. That's great that your curriculum is working. I know how it feels to feel behind and want to catch up - hope you are able to catch up quick and still have time to get outdoors. I love the changing seasons too - still waiting on spring here, but I love knowing that it's coming. Have a great month!

    1. Thank you. I'm blessed my kids are determined to be on track, that helps tons and loads! I hope you get some glimpses of spring soon! I hope you have a great month as well.
