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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Five Minute Friday: Search

I'm in search.

Day-after-day, week-after-week this year the news goes from bad to worse and from worse to impossible.

So I search.

I search for the ground where I must stand.  I wonder; perhaps it is water Jesus has called me to walk out with Him on.  Whatever is meant to be beneath my feet... I just can't feel it anymore.

I want to believe... and I do believe... in hope, in tomorrow and possibility.  Above all, I want to trust I'm not alone.

I search for something to grab a hold. 
I dig in the Good Word and work to not let it be rote.
I lean and listen, "Is that Your heartbeat Lord?"
I cry when no one can hear but I know each tear is a shedding of the hurt leaving room for the healing.

I can't change what was.
Right now I can only seem to be a spectator in what is.
But I can hope in what tomorrow may bring... no matter how many tomorrows it takes.
I can reach up and grab His hand.  I don't have to keep searching because I am found in my Father's arms.


This has been a Five Minute Friday Post where writers tap away for 5 minutes, un-edited, on a predetermined topic.  Check out other great posts by visiting:

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