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Monday, July 9, 2012

On "E"?

Driving and talking, on the way to the library, just dropped Brooke off for a week at Bible camp.... and then, "Oh no!" we coast to the curb just before the stop sign.

"What's wrong?"... out of gas.  Ok, no problem, I brought cash... lets walk the 1 block (thank you Lord, we were in the center of 'town') and get some.

Gas in.

No start.

Let's flag down a jumper.

No start.

Multiple attempts and much time passed we grabbed our gear and began the 1.5 mile walk home.  Talking of mechanics and tow trucks and all the what-ifs an event like this brings about.

Thanking God, even in our walk, we were not too far away.

All this after a whirl-wind morning, long lines while in a hurry, forgetting needed information for Brooke's trip.

But somehow.... somehow.... God worked it all out.

It is remarkable, after an AMAZING weekend with our fundraiser and really seeing some wonderful blessings and progress in the fund bucket for our trip in September, we would flip over to so much trial and near devastation today.

And for a split second I started to worry.  But I couldn't.

I couldn't, because, I thought back to weeks past, not just this weekend.  I thought back to years past, not just this year.  I thought of all the trials.... and all of the wonderful ways God took care of us.  I thought of doing without... until God gave us what we needed.  I thought of the times I have worried... even when God told me not to and my worry truly was for not.

I couldn't worry.

I couldn't fret.

I could only look to the whole situation with joy and just know, HE had a plan for his glory.  Even if it meant a tow truck and repair shop!

It has been a rough day.  But I know God has been in it.  All the taps of frustration were met with help: a kind person letting me go ahead after a long line... a sales associate who knows me, having change ready when I rushed in for a service... breaking down right next door to a Napa auto store and only one block from a gas station.

It is the silver lining... the trust... the joy.... even in the dismal situations where God shines bright and shows us the way out of enemy fire.

Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and of people. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
- Proverbs 3:3-6 (NRSV)

Thank you, Father, for showing us the way out today.

btw... Van is working, mechanic friend gave us a tip to jolt it into action!  What could have been a $300+ fix... was FREE!

Sometimes the tank seems to be on empty, but God has a way to jolt things into action.  Be strong in His Word, be ready in prayer, and trust.... TRUST... even in the rough spots God has a plan and as long as you follow him, he won't let you down!

Many blessings for much joy and peace in Him who guides us!


  1. What a blessing! We had some car escapades last week....not sure I handled it as well as you did!

    1. I can't explain it! Jesus said, 'My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you'... and He certainly filled me with peace that day! I'm tiered of getting worked up over little things! God always seems to have it handled ;-) However, because I said that, I will TOTALLY be tested again later this week!!! lol
