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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Measure of Life

You hear about those "viral" videos and emails... the ones EVERYONE seems to be viewing.  I think this needs to be one of those:

My husband and I watched it yesterday.  We have been battling the attitude bug lately.  We know it is ramped up spiritual warefare because of the coming trip... but knowing and battling are two seperate things.

Watching Francis Chan describe the measure of our life and the affect of our cares here compared to the measure of an eternal destination... well, lets just say, knowing is half the battle.

Everytime I start to throw out a whip or a remark... every time I start to get offended or pump up on worry and concern over non-essential matters, I picture Francis Chan walking the stage with the rest of that loooooong white rope.  I think of that tiny red tape... and I stop.

It isn't that we shouldn't care about now... it is that the only tomorrow we need to worry about is our eternal one.  Do I hold my breath now because of fear of ridicule on earth.... or do I speak Truth so I won't fear rejection in eternity.

When you look at it on that scale... it seems obvious.  And the now?  Only one thing seems to matter now.

Something to think on


If you agree, would you join me?  Can we make this thing go VIRALShare this video on your facebook, twitter, email... everywhere you can think of.  Lets get some of that Kingdom focus going on in a world that tends to focus too much on itself!

Linking up today with


  1. I love this: "the only tomorrow we need to worry about is our eternal one." Oh, how this influences every decision we make and every attitude we hold. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jacqui, I am most blessed you see the value in God's call for right perspective! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Excellent, thank you for sharing... Warfare is no fun but we just have to remember, the pesky demons have nothing on us. Christ has already won :) AMEN!

  3. Oh, how God keeps stretching this in me. Each day, He points out something else that I thought was important but is really nothing. All that matters is Him.

    1. Stretching can be hard sometimes... but the blessings are beyond any rewards here on earth! Bless you as you focus on Him!
