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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Theme Parks and Living Proof

We see these often here... I have never seen so many hot air balloons so regularly as I have seen here in Phoenix.  Sometimes the sky is just filled with them in areas!  These were taken this week... other things this week....
  • In my life this week…
My walk-about discussed last week turned into a 3 day recovery from severe heat exhaustion!  I am learning that, in desert climates, you are supposed to hydrate BEFORE you go out (during and after as well!)  I woke up Sunday morning so dizzy I couldn't even walk a line if it could save my life.  Blessed by a nurse friend here, she identified the problem and brought me some Pedialite... STAT!

For those who follow my blog  you know I have also been struggling with spiritual warfare this week which has manifested by digging up an episode of my clinical depression.  The grace of God has covered over me and HE drew me through writing it out in my journal and then here on the blog and I felt so blessed to turn the pain (ashes) into something beautiful and useful.

We managed to homeschool through it all, which was a blessed distraction from drawing in.  Instead, it drew me out.  And by the end of the week I found myself sitting in 2 blessed and unexpected places...

A theme park (more on that in a minute) and the second half of Beth Moore's Living Proof event which launched here in Phoenix this weekend

Her message on scars and being marked by God hit home after the rough majority of my week. 

  • In our homeschool this week…
Another almost-normal week!  We began our Social Studies unit on Africa and I assigned Brenden "Star of Light" by Patricia St. John and he is LOVING it.  He rushed through another book he was reading so that ALL his reading time might be filled with this one!  By the way, this is my dyslexic child I am referring to!  He is just drinking it up.  He told me today he loves books like this because it has adventure.... but I think it is also because it is about missions; he has read other adventure books and they just don't have the impact this one does.  He is my little missionary preacher!!  Ashley is really absorbed in Inkheart, she can't get enough of it!  She is already talking about a reading list she wants to explore as a result of this book.

 All the kids BEGGED me to do science by way of watching these Awesome Science videos from Compel Media this week.  I received them for review (coming soon) and we all fell in love with the info.   The big treat was lining up their Lego Hero guys to watch too (I was informed the Heroes wanted to learn about Creation Science as well!) Keep an eye out for that review if you are interested!

  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Sometimes you have to not take yourself (or life of this world) so seriously.  Sometimes, you have to just sit down and be with your children... offer to them what lightens the fire of joy and exploration instead of simply what offers pages done and to-dos checked-off.
  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Anything is possible this week.  We wait to hear back on a possible job in our tent-making adventure while we pray for God to raise someone up to repair the carburetor on the RV.  We realize, not-to-lightly, the time to go could be here in a BLINK!  I do hope to knit with my new friends this weekend!!

Pictures from last week's adventure though:

  • My favorite thing this week was…
God's Word in the dark places, resting under the hem of His robe... and Pinterest.  Ok, I know that doesn't fit in but it is truth!  I am having way too much fun with Pinterest and Brooke even got me to try this hairdo we found on there:
We found a donated hair crimper too (not on Pinterest but here at the clothing closet for free) so her hair was neatly styled AND crimped for church on Sunday!  Oh, and I saw this great Easter craft project which ALL the kids did readily:
  • My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Definitely Castles and Coasters which a new friend took us to.  He was so kind to bless our family with rides and video games and even dinner!  The kids had NEVER been on a "real" roller coaster before.  Brooke isn't a fan of how she got sick towards the end though!

  • Things I’m working on…
Newsletter template for the association, book reviews and notes on materials I need to get back on the shelf here before we leave!  Praying each step of the way too.  We are working on a 'mini' garden as well.  Sugar Snaps, Marigolds, and Bachelors Buttons!  It is such a blessing to see dirt and sprouts and anticipate!

  • I’m cooking…
Lots of chicken!  Most other meat is expensive here.  Can't even get a good price on eggs for Easter which is strange (almost $2 a dozen!).  The slow cooker is being used a lot more along with the camp stove as we work at pulling out of dependency on church facilities in preparation for the move... no one is complaining but I really miss my "Fix it and Forget it" cookbook now!

  • I’m grateful for…
Psalms, a God that listens, children that make me smile and laugh, and a husband who listens when my heart is aching.

  • I’m praying for…
Billings, MT ministry potentials, all the ducks to be Divinely placed in a perfect row (job, house, vehicle, stuff moved in, etc) and the carburetor repairs and trip to get there.

  • I rewarded my kids this week by…
...buying gourmet lollipops, 2/$1! 

  • Something I am ogling or have my eye on…
Still a HOME!  But most importantly, a steadfast peace as we move ahead. 

  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…


Linking up today with: 
as well as others possibly from here



  1. Amanda -- thank you for linking with Collage Friday. Sorry I'm just getting around to reading this - better late than never!

    1. I'm impressed you make it to all to begin with! Thanks for peeking in! :-)
