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Friday, May 31, 2013

Rainbows Through Clouds

When I last posted, darkness was closing in.  I had no physical center... no norm of routine or place of regularity.  My one point, one light in the darkness, was my heavenly Father-my savior Christ.

But that is all we need.

It takes one break in the clouds - one ray of light - for a rainbow to form.  When the one above occurred shortly after we re-positioned behind the church God led us to here in Billings, we wondered if it was the Promise of Hope and things to come.

I still don't have a lot of routine, regularity or physical center.  But I have His Promise.  We met with the pastor here, at what is now to become our Home Church, and learned of a need that reflected God's handy-work... God's equipping of months - no - years past. 

It was the light that grew brighter in the darkness.  The rainbow which became more vivid before our eyes.

I am back.  Still searching for the working schedule, still in transition, but God has shown me... even in the mess of life, HE is still in control and I have to share my awareness of that... I am called to declare his glory not just in big ways... but in small ways too.

May you see the rainbows through the storms.  May light overtake darkness in those far away places of your life today.

Most deep-hearted blessings,


 Also linking up with some of these


  1. Amanda I will pray for you that you find your 'center' and whatever direction or needs met. I have been there and understand. Thank you for linking up over at WholeHearted Home.

    1. Thank you Judith, I appreciate that! Have missed seeing you in my weeks away!
