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Friday, August 28, 2015

Embracing the Challenge

It's shrouded in mystery right now... or at least it feels that way.  You know how when you are reaching for something in a dark corner under your bed, that spot which rests only just out of reach, your fingertips can feel the tiny atoms which surround it but you just.can' that is our house right now!  A very long story which I am positive will continue to reflect God's mighty provision and hand as He has revealed himself so many times already... but right now it dangles in that dark, just out of reach place and we aren't quite sure WHY things don't go as you would plan but we are positive God is using it all to show His perfect timing.

In the meantime, we were suppose to close today.  We might be closing Tuesday (we HOPE anyway).  We wait.  But we don't just wait.  All who have moved at any point in their lifetime know the in-between of one house to another is filled with packing, cleaning, organizing... and for this homeschool mama of a senior, it is filled with extra planning.

You see, the one day I had off in the midst of packing, cleaning, phone call dealing chaos... that day when we went to the homeschool kick-off at our local pool and gabbed with other homeschool families, I asked the wrong (or is it right) question and I sort-of-volunteered myself to coordinate graduation for ALL our city's homeschool seniors. Yeah, I'm good at stepping into stuff like that.  And it wouldn't be so bad except I have only lived in this city for 2 years and still know so little about it, it's venues, and the people here.  Oh, and I forgot the best part... since no one else stepped up sooner, ALL the most important details need to be either set in motion or scheduled within the next 2-3 weeks ("It really should have been done in August" was the repeated comment from previous year's coordinators).  *sigh* 

I put "exercise more patience" on my bucket list for this summer... I know better than that!!!

So, with graduation organization beating on my door, we stand braced for a move that could happen at.any.minute.  We will know 24-48 hours before closing that we are closing, at which point we will mad-dash to pack those last few things we had to keep out because we are too big of a family to live off paper-plates and take-out.  Then we will mad-dash to clean the new house, clean the old house, unpack the kitchen in the new house because we are too big of a family to live off paper-plates and take-out and begin the long process of settling in WHILE welcoming our oldest son visiting from college who is coming with my mother in law this Thursday, starting school a few days after they leave THEN hosting my father-in-law for a few days... all while my husband has used up all but 2 of his vacation days so I will be sort-of solo flying along the way.  The roller-coaster of potential closing means we can't paint BEFORE we move in so any critical areas will need to be painted AFTER while we continue to live out of boxes and paint dries.

Breathe Amanda. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention, my youngest (Brooke) started homeschool basketball.  Practice is 7-8:30 AM and we are a one-car family.  I'm praying a good carpool scenario might work out.  To top it off, being homeschool, volunteers are critical.  You guessed it, I signed up for a "use me where-ever you need me" slot and I am required to log 10 hours before the year is over. 

I think I should take a job as a circus clown juggling bowling pins when this season ends!

Truthfully though, I secretly thrive on all this.  I'm excited to enter this season of new home, new middle-schooler playing sports, senior year and making it memorable... all while still blogging here.  I'm excited because, for the first time since God brought us out of full-time missions, telling us this City was our mission field, I actually feel like it finally is.  Like everything is finally clicking and life is going to go from trolling the streams of life to full-throttle living, doing and being part of the Kingdom work God has planned.

The house.... (like I mentioned, long story) fulfills the Word we received early on to offer hospitality.  We have hosted multiple missionaries and ministry workers in our current dwelling, now, we will have a GUEST HOUSE and a long list of amenities to be better hosts while also doing ministry from our house including re-kindling a crafting outreach project I have formulated, working on Bible materials and eventually leading small group meetings (I hope!).

The graduation.... we are part of a Christian based association and the ceremony can reflect this.  Put missionary mama in charge and I have ideas flowing everywhere... praying others will bring amazing ideas for God-glorifying plans to the table as well.  Together, I pray, we will have a magnificent graduation ceremony where the gospel can also be shared for any attendees who may not already know it.  (I hear a minimum of 300+ guests often come for a modest 20-30 graduates!)  In short, I see this coordination as my mission. 

The basketball.... again, Christian based association.  Prayer is said at every practice and game (no matter who we play), Christian attitude is taught and non-Christian attitude is promptly reprimanded (ie. bad sportsmanship, language, etc).  The girls will have opportunities to not just share their faith but also exhibit it.  As a mom helping out whether at the concessions or score board or just cheering form the stands, I get an opportunity in witnessing as well.  It is my daughter's mission and we get to join her!

The blog.... in so many ways, God has shown me this blog is His will for me to serve and act as a vessel of His Words and a reflection of testimony of His Work in and through me.  So, as such, I felt the need to hop on today and share all the above and let dear readers know I will be stepping away for a week or two while I stand at the starting line waiting for that gun shot announcing it is time to RUN to the exit of this house... run to handle the initial stages of graduation prep (I have been assured this month and the last month are the two busiest in the whole process)... run to encourage my daughter in her calling and opportunities... run to finish all the work that needs to be done over the next week so a peaceful transition might be found at the end.

As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, 
do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
2 Timothy 4:5

I'll be back in a couple weeks with Menu Monday and all the rest.  I already have all the pictures taken to share our curriculum for this year and other great article ideas are just itching to pour through these fingertips!! 

I pray you have had or will have a great start to your school year no matter what is going on in the margins (or plain space) of your life right now.  Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to help God shine! 


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