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Monday, October 19, 2015

Menu Monday: Week of October 19th

So, I had forgotten how, during the school year, Monday = Crazy!  Most people schedule all their calls and major to-dos for Mondays to 'get them out of the way'.  Not me.  Monday is just simply too full  I could say I don't know why.... but I do.  We take extra time together in the morning to pray and go over the week's events.  All my 'students' are usually dragging out of weekend mode so I have to prod them and, honestly, I have to prod myself!  I may not make calls on Mondays... but I do clean key spots on the house on Mondays.  And right now, we have basketball so that adds just one more thing to juggle into place!  (one more week....)

Fall is generally a busy time of the year for many of us though.  Church events to participate and help in... community events to ring in the crisper (for many in the northern hemisphere) time of year... preparing for winter and so on.  I keep reminding myself, come January, I will miss the hum of the fall.  It will become too quiet. 

With that, I buzz into this week's menu plan.  I wanted to post a soup recipe but time restrictions won't allow me to get that done and still end today with sanity (and punctuality) in tact!  I will share it soon though.  Hoping to have this weekly post prepped BEFORE Monday in the future!!! What's your buzz this time of year?

This week Brooke has a game tonight and then we are off the hook till next Monday when she plays her last.  Tuesday/Wednesday youth groups and, thankfully, a quiet remainder.  We all desperately need the rest!  Brooke's may have to wait though, she attends a slumber party Friday night.  The kids LOVED choir practice, we will be there Sunday 4:30-6:00 so hubby is on kitchen duty.  I am still prepping for the craft bazaar.  I finally got the date and it is the first Friday of November.  I'm grateful to still have some stock left from last year so I am not too stressed about what I still want ready for my table but I do want more.  I don't mind though, I relish the time in my cozy new studio!  Other than tonight and Tuesday, I hope to have some easy meal plans to accommodate this limited work time before bed.

Menu for this week...

- eggs
- oatmeal
- cereal
- waffles
- biscuits and jam
(the banana bread last week worked great, opened a chunk of freezer space, had 2+ days of snacks and breakfast, AND brought muffins for the girls and their coaches at the game)

hubby: smoked sausage and rice
me and kids: leftovers, mac n cheese


Leftover Stroganoff Casserole, Green Beans and Fresh Bread
I was blessed with enough leftover Stroganoff last week to make a casserole which I froze.  Tonight it will be two-times as good!!
Chicken Fried Rice
I had extra chicken last week I pre-cut into bite-size pieces and froze.  All I need to do is pull them out, thaw all day and fry up.  I made rice for hubby's lunch this morning with plenty extra to spare.  I find frying rice is best when it is cold.  Dinner will be fast and, at most, take 2 pans and the bowls and forks to eat it with!

Pork Roast, Potatoes, Carrots and either fresh bread or rolls
One pot, put it in just after breakfast, pull it out at dinner.  The one pot plus plates and forks to eat makes for an easy mid-week meal.  If I make bread it will be in the bread pan of my bread machine... rolls will require a bit more time and a cookie sheet.

Slow Cooked BBQ Chicken, Fried Yellow Squash and Onion, corn, biscuits
This may not seem like an 'easy' meal but actually it is.  I will make the biscuits for breakfast and warm extras with dinner.  Chicken takes 2 minutes to throw into the slow cooker (I still have extra sauce I made a few weeks ago) and my oldest daughter is a whiz at fried squash so I will employ her help!

Chicken and Cheese Chimichanga (frozen from Costco) and Salad
I'm doing a repeat here because of Brooke's slumber party.  I will drop her off and swing into Costco on my way home.  I may just end up grabbing everyone Costco Hot dogs instead!

Burgers and home-made JoJos

I need to talk to hubby about what he would like to cook.  I will let you know what he decides.  I'm certain it will be good, he is a great cook!


What are you cooking this week?



  1. This looks like a great menu plan! I love how practical it is.

    1. Thank you Kelsey. I post this each week if you are interested :-) I always feel more 'with it' when my menu is in order... no stressing or running about last minute to get everyone fed!
