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Monday, April 4, 2016

Menu Monday: Week of April 4th

I can't believe it has been 2 months since I last posted a Menu Monday!  Wow.  Time flies.  The blog is slowly rolling back into motion as I put into place all that God has been showing me.  It has been a wonderful time of growth as I have gone deeper into my relationship with Him and my renewed understanding of my roll as wife and mom.  My post in March, Beauty from Ashes is, by far, my favorite post on this blog because I was finally... after 24 years of housewifing... getting IT.  You'll have to read the Ashes post to learn what "it" was!

So with this renewed spirit of servant-hood and desire to tend to my family not for their praise or accolades, rather, for the simple purpose of glorifying God, I am excited to jump into Menu Monday again.  I also want to clarify WHY I do Menu Monday because these posts are pointless without the heart of the matter.


In June 2015 I set out with my first Menu Monday post. In it I shared my love of list making and the value, both budget and time-planning-wise, of having a menu.  However, the core of these posts is my passion to encourage women to cook easy, delicious meals for their families and guests with a goal of embracing God-honoring, joy-filled hospitality. This nurturing state is just one wonderful way to share the love of God.  My hope for women who visit my menus is that they will be inspired to cook with a joyful heart because it is an opportunity - not an obligation.  Food isn't just the stuff we cram into our bodies - it is the substance which sustains life.  We who cook are life-givers, let us not loose site of that.

One of my favorite stories from the Bible over the last few years has been from Luke 19 when Jesus eats with Zacchaeus.  Eating was a necessity even for Jesus.  This God-man still needed sustenance to maintain his mortal form.  Yet, in so many instances of the Bible where Jesus is breaking bread with others, it is often a time not taken for granted.  Jesus didn't just eat with Zacchaeus.  No.  He shared the gospel truth with him and as a result, Zacchaeus became a new man.  Even when Jesus broke bread with the disciples, he didn't miss teaching points or opportunities to discuss the eternal truths with them.

In a similar way, what if we prepared each meal, reflecting that this meal might be one, whether with a guest or just the regular hub-bub of table bodies, where we might get to share an eternal gospel truth.  What if this simple sustenance allows our loved ones the energy and health to go out and share that message themselves?

Yes... food is life sustaining.  So let us not take this wonderful task for granted!

This week In the time since I was last posting regularly I began a home Bible Study on Thursday nights.  We start with dinner and fellowship and then dive into God's Word.  It is my favorite night of the week!  I usually plan something which can stretch and I always try to offer a dessert.  Hubby and I are on a healthy eating challenge so our meals are transforming... slowly.  At this time, and with our budget, we are focusing mostly on portion control but also some of what I cook and how I cook it is changing.  This also effects those occasional desserts I would like to make for guests!

Sorry, it was dim and I had to snap this shot as she waited to go on stage at a worship event in February.

The kids are still doing Youth Group on Tuesdays.  They go in early as Ashley is still doing music discipleship with her youth pastor who is also the music director.  He is teaching her about worship leadership.  The time at church equates an earlier meal for us as well as the preferred status of easy clean up!  This week I am going to a book fair that night so I am extra particular and planning a breakfast casserole so only the casserole dish and our plates will be necessary for clean up!

Menu for this week...

- cereal
- eggs
- blueberry pancakes

hubby: leftover Chicken Fried Rice
me and kids: leftovers, tuna, sandwiches


Stuffed Potatoes, Side-salad and fresh Rolls


Egg and Sausage Breakfast Casserole

Shredded Beef Roast and Gravy over Sloppy Mashed Potato with Green Beans and Rolls

Goulash, Side-salad and Garlic Bread Sticks
Black Bean and Beef Burrito Casserole

Burgers and Baked JoJos

What are you doing and cooking this week?


More pictures and recipes next week... running late getting this up today!


  1. The beef burrito casserole sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing your menu with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth :)
