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Friday, November 16, 2018

HMJ: Schedule Down-grades, Thanksgiving Miscellany and a tad Teen Talk

It's been a quiet week in our household.  Not even very many pictures, I had to steal most of these from Brooke!  We did decide to scale back even more of our schoolwork until after Christmas.  The funny thing is, when I was planning our school year this past summer, I asked Brooke if she would like to have December off and she said NO!  I bet she is regretting that now!

For this week, we only did Geography, Driver's Ed and one of her online classes!!  I'm actually a bit relieved because it has given me more time to work on some notes for a meeting I am hoping to have with the pastor soon.  I've also been able to start on some house and holiday prep. 

When we get back from Thanksgiving break we will bring her maths back in and some writing but we are actually putting regular Grammar off until the new year along with the Astronomy and French book-work I mentioned last week.

I told her my only concern with the curriculum change was whether or not it would be realistic to college life.  I want her to be prepared for the rigors of higher education. Then I have to remember she currently has about twice as many classes as she will in college and she aptly pointed out how, in college, she will have friends she enjoys studying with which will drive her more on her work.  I know this to be true with her and felt I could take peace.

With the lighter load for the next few weeks we are both planning some extra crafts and cooking together as well as some easy reading days.  If the mountain pass stays clear I may try to take her over for a college visit.  We have yet to actually tour the campus of the school she is considering.

I'm excited with the re-arranged plans and think I will have to plan next Christmas season much the same.

But, back to this week.... 

We baked a TON of sweet bread.  Sadly I forgot to take pictures.  She did Chocolate Zucchini Bread while I did regular.  We also made Cranberry Bread.  I freeze most of them and we have them as part of a breakfast platter Thanksgiving morning.  I will also send an assortment platter to work with the guys on Wednesday and we can munch on it throughout December for quick low-mess breakfasts!  I love that Brooke enjoys helping out.

We did a MASSIVE amount of raking/leaf-blowing and still have more to do!  That's what happens when you have 6 7 large tress (mostly elm and ash and one giant apple) in a .33 acre yard lined with mature lilac bushes!!  I'm not complaining though.  I love the autumn leaves.

Brooke has been playing a lot of board games this week with her big sister who just found out she has to switch jobs so has had extra time on her hands.  I've been helping her with a resume and other job hunt miscellany.

I don't think they know how to play with normal pieces!  And, yes, they were playing pre-school games as well!!!

Random Fact:
I discovered that all Walmarts are not equal!  Not a big fan of the super-store and their ethics.  But they are a necessity in modern budget-crunching society.  I remember when they only existed in rural communities.  Now, in our state's biggest "city", we have TWO.  One houses irritable zombie-like employees and equally irritable shoppers inside it's seemingly dark and bustling interior.  The other, which I ran into this week after Brooke had an eye appointment on that side of town, is light, open and even friendly {gasp}. When an employee saw me looking around, she thought I was a bit lost and offered to help me find my needs.  She was very gracious and, I'm ashamed to admit, my first thought was an abrupt 'What do you want?! Just leave me alone!'... then I had to inwardly correct myself and remember this is what friendly associates look like!  Big city life is ruining me!!!  Oh, and I think I need to switch which Walmart I shop at!

Another mark that all Walmarts are not equal was this bathroom reading taped to the door:

Our other Walmart doesn't have this.  I felt smarter just for using the toilet!! Ha!

Selfie time for Brooke as we get ready to take her for an eye check-up.  New glasses are on their way and will hopefully make their appearance to this lovely face by December!

As for next week, I hope to take a pre-Thanksgiving-prep road trip for a day to a scenic lodge in our area.  Then Brooke is helping with a Christian Youth in Action outreach party in our old neighborhood.  Tuesday through Thursday will be all about food and family fun.  Friday I look forward to the BIG decor switch as autumn comes down and Christmas goes up!  I won't have a Homeschool Journal Post next Friday as I am sure most of us will be busy with holiday miscellany anyway!  But I will see you the week after.

A little Teen Talk side-note:  

Make them a part of holiday meal prep.  It is easy for teens to get wrapped up in their own world.  But remember, these are the last years you have to instill tradition and how-tos.  Both guys and gals can lend a hand with Thanksgiving prep.

A few years ago I started having each of my kids pick at least one dish they wanted to either help with or do all on their own.  I am there for assistance but then they have the opportunity to learn, hands-on, how to cook some of their favorite festive food.  I also enlist them to help with platter and table setting so they can get a feel for formal hospitality.

Everyone is always proud to take part and share, at meal time, how they cooked a particular dish.  It also blesses me by alleviating some of the work load and allowing me to enjoy the day more.

I hope and pray you have a spectacular Thanksgiving!  Do you have any special plans or traditions you are looking forward to?


By the way.....

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  1. We are getting a little break from school right now as well, thanks to a snow day from our co-op. Enjoyed reading about your week and all the interesting things you are doing. I liked your ideas for getting teens involved in the food and hospitality prep for Thanksgiving! Mine will hopefully be helping more this year, since it's just us at home, rather than us going to someone else's for the meal. Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. I always enjoy your link-up, thank you for hosting! I hope your intimate Thanksgiving at home is memorable and full of help! ;-)

  2. We try to lighten our course work for the last few weeks of Nov. and most of December too. I rope my boys into helping out more around the house and with crafting project so in the end I hope it all evens out. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. This makes me feel even more at ease to hear! From Thanksgiving through Christmas has always been a difficult time for us to stay focused and on task. Colleges usually lets out by the second week so, realistically, I felt it wasn't unreasonable to change the structure of our homeschool at this time of year. I appreciate your encouraging input! Happy Thanksgiving!
