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Saturday, November 10, 2018

HMJ: The Week That Almost Wasn't

Thanksgiving Break is ALMOST HERE!!  That is what I reassured Brooke as she begged to have Monday off.  It was just an off day.  And as the week progressed, she pleaded, just one week off wouldn't hurt... would it?  It was tough being the persistent mom.  Knowing we would be enjoying 9 straight days off beginning after next Friday, helped me stay the course.  Thankfully there were no tantrums or pouting fits... just simple attempts to request some slack.

I can't blame her.

Not at all... I confessed, in return, how I LOVE love love the start of the school year but, as the days wear on, I just sort of want to be done with the whole thing!  I love teaching.  I love spending my days with my kids (now ONE 'kid').  But sometimes even a mom just wants to do anything but educational stuff!  So.... even after a Sunday afternoon hanging out at Michael's all chill like this:
 ... and our Monday starting like this...
... it ended up like this...
We called it a "Consumer Math field trip" and it sort of was.  My teacher mom hat went on as we discussed budget and reasonable spending, reviewing our family budget before we left the house. Our first stop was Brooke's idea of decompression where she dreamt of a some-day job from which she could use 10-20% of her paycheck to boost her shoe collection.... while I suggested some of that potential budget be used on a shoe storage solution as well!

After frivolities we headed to the grocery store where I put her in charge of the list and budget we had discussed before we headed out.  Thankfully she likes math so she found this fun, even if the grocery budget couldn't buy her new shoes!!

After our Monday excursions and my projected plans to make up the difference in the coming weeks, I did keep my foot down on finishing the rest of our week strong.  Instead of taking our usual Wednesday off this week we pushed through and took Friday off instead... which she spent trying a new P.E./potential hobby..

You can tell she's nervous, she was playing with her hair!!  She climbed for about 30 minutes and then decided it wasn't her 'thing'... sadly.  I thought it was pretty neat but it does require a lot of upper body strength and fearlessness... which I forgot, when I authorized the excursion, she is afraid of heights!!!! ha.  Onto other prospects.

Halfway through the week we enjoyed a beautiful dusting of snow...
... and here I confess that most of my writing is being done to soft piano music tinkling out Christmas tunes!

At this point in the week we also made the judgment call to pause Astronomy and French videos/bookwork until January.  This will give her time to focus on finishing her one-semester course of Consumer Math so her daily schedule isn't as overwhelming.  Even though we won't be doing the videos and book work, she will keep at her self-paced French studies with Duolingo and Mango.  

All-in-all, I am pleased with how our week turned out, even if it almost wasn't a school week!  I hope the drive through till this coming Friday is fruitful knowing our break is almost here!!

How has your week been?  Do you take off a full week for Thanksgiving?


By the way.....

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  1. Sounds like a lovely week, and quite productive, even with the "off" day! We aren't going away for Thanksgiving this year, but we will take a little break, and we are certainly looking forward to it! Thanks for linking up!

    1. As always, thanks for the great link up and stopping by Kym! I always look forward to "seeing" you :-)

      I think the shoe 'window shopping' was the loveliest part for my daughter!! lol I'm just grateful we pulled through. Enjoy your coming break and "see" you this coming weekend at the "party"! :-)

  2. It sounds like a lovely week to me. We take the week off after Thanksgiving giving because our kids are in the Nutcracker and it is tech week and shows.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. That sounds like fun! We were in our church production one year and it was such a blessing to have the homeschool freedom of a week off during tech week! I pray the performances are a HIT (I love seeing the Nutcracker live!)

  3. My daughter has tried indoor rock climbing a few times, it isn't really her thing either. The snow looks pretty. My daughter and I have been listening to Christmas music, too! We will only take two days off for Thanksgiving.

    1. I think Mia in Princess Diaries makes rock climbing look a lot cooler! Glad to hear I am in Christmas Music listening company! Enjoy your Thanksgiving break :-)
