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Friday, May 18, 2012

Radical Adventures

Still studying up on the Charlotte Mason method.  Soaking in each book the library shelves issue forth on the subject.  I am onto "A Charlotte Mason Companion" by Karen Andreola.

It is interesting how God led me to really consider this method of teaching and how I have been already using pieces of it without realizing.  I say 'God lead' because starting next fall our homeschool will be taking on a whole different look... and God's leading into this method will be key in our successful functioning as a homeschool on-the-go.

This is just one area where I am so animate about submitting our school plans to the Lord.  At the start of this year I prayed through lesson plans, daily schedules, design, and goals for the year.  I didn't always understand the purpose and direction He gave me but the key, other than simply praying through the preparation, was submitting to God's plans and praying through those difficult spots where we were all worn out and wanting to forgo the direction God laid.  It has been in this direction that God has prepared both myself and and the children for what lies ahead... without that submission I don't think our homeschool or hearts would be ready for the next phase...

We took the children to the park for a picnic dinner last Wednesday evening.  We wanted some private family time to discuss the BIG changes coming up.  Privacy is something we are not accustomed to as house guests but we respect and appreciate where we are... making accommodations when needed!

As we shared the vision God has given us and discussed logistics, the excitement built in all but Ashley.  She loves her home, she knows Montana, and our BIG change entails God calling us out of the valley (and out of the state) we all know and love.

It isn't easy to respond to radical requests from the Lord, but it is necessary if we are to stay within His blessings for our lives.  And as parents, it is our responsibility to reflect this to our children.  How else will they learn to be more than pew warmers?

So we pick up those 'living books', we explore maps and we begin to talk about our destination and all the places in-between.  I begin to dream of nature journals filled from state-to-state with all sorts of new and exotic observations.  I look forward to the geology of the trip as much as I look forward to the destination and training we are heading out to receive.  I believe the children share this anticipation for the sheer wonder... even Ashley buds as we consider all the possibilities together!

Many details will come in the months ahead.  We have a great deal of preparation including a large yard sale to raise funds for our trip.... and all the work that will go into digging through storage to be prepared for that endeavor!  I look forward to summer reading programs with the children, summer camps, and family training to be prepared for all that our adventures may hold.

Mid-end September we will be on our way, I90 to I80 to some other "I's" and, ultimately, to Birmingham, Alabama!  We will be taking Faithful Homeschool on those adventures with us... be sure to let us know if we can look you up along the way!

What a week... what a God... what an adventure is in store.  It may be radical, but we serve a radical God and should expect nothing less!

Be blessed in your adventures!  Don't be afraid to live radically for our Lord.

If you would like to sign up for our missions newsletter where we share about our family, how God is working and the adventures to come, please email me at and I will add you to our mailing list for the once-a-month update.

Linking up with Sue and the iHomeschoolNetwork today:

as well as Kris:


  1. Changes can be hard for everyone, but kids seem to bounce back the quickest! You're going to have a wonderful time traveling and visiting new places! It'll be a fun adventure! We're also returning to a more Mason approach next year!

  2. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. It blesses my heart when God can touch the lives of others here. I enjoyed your website! Loved all the pictures :-) Thank you for sharing!
