Checking in because it has been a month now since I declared my One Word for 2015. This year's word didn't seem as intensive as 2013's. Then God drew me into a TWO-year adventure of transformation... one which has inspired the outline of a chronicle I will (eventually) publish. No, this time the One Word came as an assurance... a resolution so-to-speak. Not as in the New Year's type of "I resolve", rather, as in that I.just.know and I am resolute to do as I feel God laying it, like a mantel, over my heart, kind of 'resolution'. I am simply resolved to BALANCE.
So whats to it?..... easy enough... right??
Balance, for January, has been a reminder. A subtle tap on my shoulder when I want to lend myself to extremes. Balance has been my tether point. It has been my training wheels to a new lifestyle I recognize God leading me into. Yup, you got that image right: I am wearing training wheels while tethered to a stake in the ground marked "BALANCE". See, I told you.... e.a.s.y.
Easy when each time I wanted to make a cusp decision God whispered balance.
Easy when I want to spend too much time fiddling with the website or facebook or Pinterest.... or one of any other diverging tasks instead of wrapping up an assignment or taking care of chores. God whispers balance.
See, on top of my tether stake of BALANCE is a knob (it keeps my tether chord from popping off the stake!) I recognized this 'knob' in January as the balance of time (can you tell I am a very visual thinker?!). Using my time appropriately (not that I can't or don't still have my crazy off-the-hook moments.....) but simply that I recognize how far I can tether before my chord becomes taut and I need to be mindful of balance. I ACCEPTED (because I have always known and often alluded this fact) that a little balance now = a lot of peace later.
Like I said: Easy.
... until....
....laying in bed (because I couldn't handle sitting at the desk to work) typing the first draft of this article there were no more whispers. More like sirens and the pain in my abdomen to tell me my tether point cap for February was another well known but often alluded point: Diet.
I don't mean that ugly word we often seek to dodge and break and make excuses for avoiding. No, I mean that lifestyle which we should all be cautious of in order to keep a healthy and clean temple for the Spirit to indwell. The word which simply represents:
I know this is my tether point cap for February because I heard that voice in the back of my head as I slowly became more and more over-indulgent these past few weeks. It said BALANCE,
You see, after some very alarming health issues in November and a series of resulting tests, in December I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis. It may not seem so serious. I read it is one of the most common 'diseases' out there. However, discussion with my specialist revealed my case is rare in that I am a mere 40 years old and my entire colon is absolutely riddled with the disease. Something they expect from a person far more advanced in age than I. As if that wasn't bad enough, I have a lovely tumor at the opening of my colon. Non cancerous but annoying non-the-less. Treatment: diet change. Can't get rid of diverticulitis but can manage the symptoms with caution and good choices.
A nurse called with follow-up info. She assured me life would be 'normal' if I followed her advice. I thought... surely these suggestions are merely 'guidelines' and my illness which led to all the testing and diagnosis was a fluke.
My flagrance and blatant ignoring of diet plans and all warning signs put me flat on my back this week because sitting caused too much pain from an infection that literally felt knives twisting in my upper abdomen. B.A.L.A.N.C.E. It is more then schedule... it is moderation in EVERYTHING.
I don't know if a new "cap" will be placed on my Balance tether point each month. I do know I have two there now though. Time and Diet. I am positive I want to be more focused on God and being useful for His glory here... not on things and food which pull me away or bog me down.
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,
for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
I love food. Plain.and.simple. This won't be easy. But when I think on how Christ has done so much for me... the least I can do is take better care of myself for Him! To be ready and able to be used by Him.
I pray your life would be balanced in everything... that you would be able and ready to be used by God in whatever course he has for you!
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