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I grew up as a big city girl, Chicagoan by birth, and nicknamed "the gypsy" by family who recognized my free-spirited love of wandering through various travels in my youth.  Keeping with my "gypsy" name, these itchy feet headed west at 18 where I determined to explore small-town northwest for the bulk of my adult life!  After a nearly year-long journey around the U.S. to serve as Mission Service Corp missionaries assisting new church plants, God called our family to our current home in south-central Montana where I am heartily working on becoming that crazy cat lady, against my better wishes, and taking to the mountains whenever these travel thirsty feet twitch to GO!

More details?
I met my husband on AOL, no joke, back when Microsoft Windows was the hottest new tech and 56K was only a hoped-for dream.  "You've Got Mail" holds a special place in my heart as a result, though our beginning wasn't quite as romantic as Kathleen Kelly and "just" Joe!

Four children later I gave up on my dreams of "Cheaper By the Dozen" when health problems shut the factory down. However, I was more than ready to recognize the miraculous blessing of the boy-girl scatter the good Lord blessed me with.

After challenges with the school system and accelerated as well as learning challenged children, we answered God's call to homeschool the youngest three, our oldest was in 8th grade at the time and invested in sports and friends so only the middle two, grades 2 and 4, came home.  Our youngest has never attended public school and will be the last to celebrate home education graduation in May 2020.
In my dreams I am the owner of a large farm with a menagerie of animals, a vegetable garden that consumes at least 2 acres, a pumpkin patch and an immense fruit orchard I spend all fall baking and canning from!  In reality I work hard to keep any garden surviving all summer in pots and small plots and I scrape for deals on bulk produce so I can fulfill my love of canning when the season is right! 

I am a collector of inspirational quotes and dusty old books.
One of my greatest passions is writing.

Vintage is my aim of style and decor`.
I believe "Home" is not only where the heart is - but also wherever you make it.
The greatest compliment I can hope to receive is for a guest in my house to confide "I feel 'at home' here" because then I know God's comfort was able to pour through me (may HE receive all the glory!).
I would rather sing and dance down the sidewalk then walk... to my family's chagrin!
Most often I simply sock-skate in my kitchen or twirl and sing to Big-Band tunes or KLove/Air-one... whatever my mood may be!
(I'm a firm believer of 'age is just a number')

I read every chance I get, historical Christian romance, missionary biography, inspirational and history are some of my favorites when I don't have my nose deep into a good Bible study or commentary.
On the occasions I can relax, various needle crafts or doodle pads are often in my hands (since my kids are too big for cuddling now!).   
When movies are in mind, good oldies and Rogers and Hammerstein musicals rank at the top of my list!

If you wonder about the random content on this blog from time-to-time, then you should know I was raised by an eclectic family who believed no star was too far to reach with enough work.  I have worn many hats in my life both personally and professionally.  From business work and owndership to teaching both in public school and out.  From writer for newspapers, newsletters, and books to crafting for personal enjoyment and sales.

However, none of my personal or professional experiences mean anything to me without my faith for it is the cornerstone of who I am.... once lost and wandering, He pulled me from despair and gave me a HOME.  I get Paul when he says:

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned 
in whatever situation I am to be content. 
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. 
In any and every circumstance, I have learned 
the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.

He has given me a Call and a voice, the most meaningful work in the entirety of my life has been the work done for Him, with Him by my side and guiding me on... including and especially Faith and Home. I pray continually that, above all the eclectic content here on the blog, you will see Him because someday I will fade away... but HE will remain.

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