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Home Life

"Keepers at Home" is a concept birthed during the writing of this article I felt led to share one cold January.  Something which had been playing at the strands of my heart for months and culminated with a need for serious change.  Like many Christian women today, Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 topics are near and dear to me.  They are the areas God called me to minister into over 15 years ago and continue to exist at the core of this blog.  Therefore, it isn't so far-fetched that I would feel called to begin a series titled "Keepers at home"!

This series will be a bit different then the typical; I need to change EVERYTHING I am doing as a housewife so I am going to jump-in-and-overhaul-my-everything approach.  I tried that unsuccessfully in spring 2015.  At that time I ambitiously wrote this article: The Art of Housewifery: Balancing the Clean and while  I still highly recommend FlyLady if you need a more immediate complete overhaul in how and what you do, I currently need the little changes of baby steps to more adequately fit my schedule.  Essentially: I don't have time for a complete overhaul which entails energy and time to do list compiling, making, organizing, implementing, etc.  No, right now I need to just jump-in and start picking up loose ends.

Instead, I'm going to share how I started implementing tips and directives t.  Little things that don't need to wait for some big unveil.  Little things which can help me get on the path to moving forward.  As I go, I am gradually collecting a list in my notebook of areas needing regular attention and what does/doesn't work.  When I have more time I do hope to make overview lists of what has become tried and true. Perhaps then the concept of chore charts and lists will be much more comprehensive and easy to follow.

Some key areas I am working on (and may add to as time progresses) are:
- Heart-filled housework
- Better self-care via healthier eating, exercise and earlier bedtime
- Deeper quality Bible Study time
- A plan for each day and each day sticking with the plan

These are all areas I use-to be great at and, as you will read in the inception article, I have gotten lazy at over the last 5 years!  Various moves around the country and a growing older family have also called for a need to sort-of redesign and re-initiate the how and when in my housewifery happenings!

On this page, I hope to be keep updated links to these endeavors in the series which will post with the above image title, "Keepers at Home".  Articles will appear chronologically, beginning to end, below.  (Click on titles to be taken, in a separate window, to that article) I have no specific plans when this series will end since being a Keeper at Home is not only an ongoing task but also an ongoing learning experience!  I'm leaving the culmination of this specific series in God's hands.

I pray that all who join me will not only learn and grow in their Biblical mandate to be keepers at home, but that we might become a community of mutual support in the process.


***UPDATE Fall 2019***
I CAN say all of these ambitions really paid off!  My home was transformed and continues to be transformed by all God showed me during the above season of my life.  I have decided to re-include this tab in "pages" to introduce some of the heart and drive which continues behind my homemaking posts here, in my newsletter (you can subscribe in the right hand side of my site) and on my Instagram feed.  In the years since the "Keepers" inception these (almost) weekly posts have transformed into "Menu Monday" and "Titus 2" sharing.  Regardless of the name, the heart has stayed the same.  I pray each post is encouragement and inspiration for you as well!


This is the intro post, the one God sparked inside of me, which started it all - aka - the story with no beginning!

A few quick-tips and a very helpful FREE printable!

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