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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gratitude Reflections: Week 1

How has your study been coming?  I hope the video yesterday wasn't too long (if it was, the notes included in the post pretty much sum it up and might be quicker to read!)  I will admit to being a bit scattered as I pulled this big project off the ground this week.  I'm hoping and praying for smoother, easier and shorter posts to follow next week.  As a matter of fact, as I prepared for today's post, my mind was a whir.  More than the blog going on right now (and just having read an article about why NOT to post EVERY SINGLE DAY especially in November when people are super busy... and feeling guilty about that) I am also prepping for a craft bazaar on Friday and my girls going to a ball on Saturday.  Yet, somehow I have peace and joy in the midst (despite that twinge of guilt!).  It reminds me of one part of what we have been studying this week....

  May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
- Colossians 1:11-12

Through God's strength, I am able to be thankful and this prompted my gratitude reflection for the week...

Resting on the message of true thankfulness being rooted in Salvation, I thought how overwhelming my life was, not only before salvation... but also before I understood the door which had been unlocked when I surrendered my life to Christ.  For the first few years after laying my heart at His feet, I still tried to do it all on my own.  Not realizing how His grace covered all my shortcomings. Not understanding how His strength could help me and His Word be my guide. No longer did I have to 'suffer'or struggle as an over-achiever/under-accomplisher.  I could walk out what He gave me the strength and ability to do and trust that it was more than enough.  No longer did I have to fear hell as the payment for bad choices... I could begin to trust Jesus to help me make good ones and lean into His grace and mercy when I messed up.

Realizing all this, I was delivered from an almost 20 year struggle with eating disorders, I was delivered from clinical depression, and I was released from the suffocating feelings that I had to EARN my way to life, living, and eternal happiness.  I basked in the beauty that His grace was/is more than sufficient for all of me.

This prompts my gratitude.  I remember, too clearly, the darkness of those days before fully understanding all that Salvation gave me.  Now I get to live in light.  Now, I don't have to fear the struggle of eating disorders, depression, or insufficiency. I am thankful, daily, that even on my worst days now, I still have hope and peace and forgiveness and I don't have to walk in those dark places anymore.  Even on my worst days, He is my guide and my strength.  How can I not speak thanksgiving in all situations, just knowing that?!

What are you thankful for as the result of your Salvation this week?


Post your own Gratitude Reflections this week, share the button and share your post in comments below and/or on my Facebook page!  Let us encourage each other this week.

Start a gratitude leaf theme for yourself or with your children using construction paper OR this free printable (you can cut them out too!):


  1. His loving care and grace saves us from such dark places. Celebrating the freedom you have found in faith! Visiting from Tell His Story.
