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Saturday, December 1, 2018

HMJ: Thanksigiving to Christmas Decor

Well hello there!  I'd like to say the last (almost) two weeks off were a nice 'break', however, they have been packed!! The newsletter made it out 12 hours late (you can still sign up for your copy at the right) but packed full of goodies!  My decorations made it up after a long weekend made more difficult because of foot issues I am having.  And we finally made it back to our schoolwork! 

The biggest challenges of the two weeks, however, were the small life upsets as my girls wrestled with friend and job issues.  Knowing I have less than 2 years left with Brooke has really brought into sharp focus the importance of sitting and listening when hearts are hurting.  It's time-consuming and often pushes out other need-tos in life... but it is an investment worth the sacrifice.

Now we are on the other side of it all, including a BIG (for me) meeting with my pastor which resulted in what looks to become HUGE open doors for 2019.  I look forward to sharing more detail as further meetings solidify the fine-print.  I am hopeful and excited, not just for these new developments, but also that the Christmas season is finally here. 

But I am getting ahead of myself.  The past (almost) two weeks looked something like this:

 Brooke made her mini pumpkin pies as we baked and prepped Thanksgiving week.

Grateful for YouTube making this annual tradition possible.  We don't have subscription t.v. but I was able to catch a live stream for the first time in probably 10 years!  I grew up watching Macy's with my mom and, before she passed away, she would call across the miles which separate us and we would 'watch' Macy's together while we each did dinner prep.  The Christmas season seems so much more official when you've seen Santa make his way down the parade route!
My kids aren't super into football (except for my oldest) but when some friends invited Brooke to come watch a scrimmage Thanksgiving morning, she showed support for her big brother's favorite team as she watched locals play.

Since Thanksgiving dinner is just us these days, I like to set the occasion apart by requiring everyone to dress nice.  This year I snapped a few photos and learned it is STILL hard to get everyone behaving and looking nice at the same time for the camera!  Although, the single shots of the girls are some of my favorites in a long time, Ashley's impromptu big sister hug really stole my heart too!

Friday dawned and while neighbors headed out to grab those black Friday deals, I began the decoration chaos!  This year Brooke helped out and I couldn't have done it without her!

Holiday home♥️

 Monday we hit the books... and kitty Aslan was wiped out from all the studying!  He slept most of the time in Brooke's lap!
 Come Friday she was turning into 'Crazy Cat Lady' in training! 

We have decided to put Geometry off until the beginning of the New Year and we actually didn't start back from Thanksgiving with Pre-Calc mainly because, in all the bustle of holiday miscellany, meeting prep and newsletter deadline, I didn't have a chance to study up in order to be ready to teach!  *Disclaimer: you don't need to be an 'expert' in the subjects you teach but it is nice to have a leg up on the next lessons in lessons you aren't the strongest at... math is NOT my strongest!

We are all doing the Advent Bible study together as well.  The picture above was actually from our 'family meeting' where we discussed the plan.  (If you want a copy of my advent study you can either follow me on Instagram or subscribe to my newsletter, details at right)

The week wrapped up with the Lady's Christmas Party at church.  Brooke put together a nice arrangement of some of the fudge she helped me make the week of Thanksgiving and I did up a platter of cream cheese rolls.  It had been so long since I made these I actually forgot an ingredient!  They were still good though!

We were suppose to dress super festive so the both of us got all decked out.  Brooke enjoyed the evening listening to us older ladies talk as well as spending time with one of her closest friends.

And now we look down the scope into next week.  Concert practice to prepare for singing in the back-up choir for Rush of Fools as they put on a Christmas concert at our church this next weekend.  Also hoping to attend a rural parade tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get good and studied up for our Pre-calc by Monday!!  We're diving into The Christmas Carol as well.

How have your last few weeks been?  Do you do anything different in homeschooling through the holidays?


By the way.....

*Are you subscribed to my newsletter?  You might want to be.  Why?  Well, the newsletter contains bonus material you won't find on the website... not to mention, in those busy months when I can't get regular blog articles up, you can count on this periodical popping up in your email in-box each last Thursday with all new content!  What exactly does the newsletter contain?
  • Encouraging articles on Faith, Home(making), and Homeschool
  • Free printables under different themes each month
  • Insider info on the latest goings-ons with all things on my blog and writing related
You won't find all this great bonus material on the blog so be sure to sign up so you don't miss out!  It's Ok, hop over real quick, right there to your right, see it on my sidebar where it says, "Subscribe to my Newsletter" with a  picture of the "Faith and Home Times" logo above it?  Ok, now enter your email in the box labeled "email address" then click "Subscribe"....(don't worry, it doesn't hurt and I promise not to spam you!). You should receive a confirmation email from me.  

Also, with your new subscription, I will send you December's newsletter which includes a FREE printable Advent Bible Study and bonus PDFs to help you organize and enjoy your holidays more!