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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Lessons in Togetherness


It has been almost 2 years since my last post.


The result of a season of processing and change. Trying to determine what was next.

I spent the time reading much, doing the usual homemaking day-to-days, traveling and simply investing in family - together.

I have always felt isolated in life - different - whether by faith or interests or sheer independence. But the past 2 years have bread a togetherness in our family and a peace in our souls I just can't put into words.

It has been beautiful.

It has been timely.

It hasn't been without bumps and bruises... but the rough patches have served to make us stronger and dig deeper together.

Now, 2022 has been the capstone in this process, bringing equal measures of challenge and celebration. The excitement of traveling together to old and new places has been intermingled with health diagnosis after health diagnosis, some confirming years of struggle.... others completely unexpected and nearly devastating. I have had to learn a new way of life. In the midst of all the cans-can'ts-shoulds, I need to eat different, go through regular P.T. and reconsider the structure of each day in the midst of this housewife life which, traditionally, has made greater demands than I am currently capable of.

But I am not alone. 

God is my everlasting strength and over the past 2 years, He has reminded me of the power of togetherness in family.... of the support and encouragement they are... "alone" is truly a choice and He was calling me to walk into the embrace of together. I am so blessed for that simple fact. It is work - but it is a good work - growing and molding not just our family as a whole, but me personally as well - making me more pliable to shake off loneliness and embrace togetherness more wholeheartedly.

As I maneuver the newness of this stage of life, doors open for opportunity, hubby and I as a team, pushing ahead in a venture which has been a lifetime dream of mine and I am blessed all the more. (more to come on this)

God has not put us in a place of utter loss, rather, he has moved us to a place of new opportunity - together.


This has been a 5-minute Friday installment. I have missed this community so much! I'm excited to be writing for the great WWW again (naturally, I never stopped pouring out my heart in written words, even if no one else saw it!). Please pop over and say HI to the other great writers there!

Also, big announcements coming on the Blog and social media. This past year I lost my Faith and Home domain but we are working on an alternative as we also prepare for a HUGE endevour - stay tuned!

To keep up on the in-between, visit my Instagram account... I will see you here soon!

Comment below with lessons you have learned in togetherness!



  1. Hello Amanda, I thought you looked familiar and I remember you from the Homeschool Highlights link-up years ago. Glad you are back and looking forward to getting to know you again through FMF. I'm sorry to hear that the last couple years have been so hard for you, but am glad to hear that God has brought you through and given you hope and new endeavors to pursue!
    Visiting from FMF#23

    1. Hi Kym!!! I remember your link-ups well! I'm so glad you stopped by, it is very good to "see" you! I always loved the Homeschool Highlights and miss having fresh material to contribute! I'll have to swing by and say "hi" nonetheless!

  2. Welcome back to FMF! Reading and family time have been a big part of my life too over the past 2 years. As family, we do learn and grow together. May God bless you family.

    1. Thank you! It is good to be back. I keep seeing that meme lately, "What would happen if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thank God for today?" and I think, I would be very happy because FAMILY is the #1 thing I thank Him for and if that was all I was left with - it would be just fine with me! May God bless you and yours as well

  3. it does my heart good to hear how the past two years have been good for you and yours. I've heard too many stories about how it hasn't been for so many. So thanks for the hope and the looking forward to what is new!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement... and that is sad about those who have not fared well over recent years. I've heard stories... but I do not know anyone personally who has succumbed, my prayers are for those who have.

  4. That line: 'God has not put us in a place of utter loss, rather, he has moved us to a place of new opportunity - together.' You could be writing about me and my husband too.
    A major new venture about to start with health issues to deal with. But at God's direction and timing, and together.
    God bless and welcome back to blogging x

    1. Thank you. I'm sorry to hear you have new ventures that must settle around health issues. I pray you feel the presence of the Lord through it all.
