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Monday, April 27, 2009

Snow Days... on April 27th?

Yes, snow days... at the END of April. It is no joke! We woke up to this

Yes, that is snow on my newly planted seeds! Only about 3 - 4" or so!
By 10:30 the kids couldn't focus on reading any longer. We were sure it would be raining by now, but no. The snow just keeps falling...

We are now up to 7" as per our unobstructed back deck (not pictured here) and I seem to have lost my seedlings! (They are under all that white stuff somewhere!!)

So snow day... or rather... snow morning has ensued. The kids' snow pants are packed away so they are layered and outside until they get too cold...
... then we will get back to work! Ahhh... the joys of homeschooling!
Ash keeps asking me, "Why is it snowing when it is spring?" After all, we had 70+ degree weather last week. They were begging me to get the sandals and summer clothes out then. My only response, as I smile warmly, "Because we live in Montana!"

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