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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Astonishing Truths

I forgot how busy our days can get when we devote ourselves to a full school schedule.  It has been refreshing to be back on course though.

We began Tuesday with our morning math and language arts.  The new novelty is the large park only a few blocks away... recess was an adventure!  ((And I left the camera at home!!!! erg))

Our afternoons are sloooowly settling.  We actually got to some science today and here I must stop and praise God for church friends and the A-Beka curriculum for science.

 I have never purchased full curriculum... to pricey.  Also, I like to think I can do it all.  However, as my kids get older and we step farther into our calling as missionaries, I have begun to wish and pray for a good curriculum where all I have to do is review the lessons (prepare), present the material (teach), and help with work and questions (tutor).  But still... it is pricey!

Enter a wonderful couple from church.  They homeschooled both of their sons with the full A Beka curriculum.  Both children are now full grown men with jobs and one of them got married this summer... they approached me after church one day and asked if I wanted it!  ENTIRE textbook sets for all subjects from 9th through 12th with some text books from 7th and 8th .  I was speechless.

There are no workbooks, but the texts are a fine start!  (I have a request out to A Beka for their catalog so I can see how much consumables are)

Why am I taking time to brag on this company and the way in which God used a couple from church to bless me?  Because the blessings keep coming. 

Today, Ashley and I were going through the chapter on the human body.  At one point I felt like I had transitioned from a middle school text book to a cozy room in a church bible study!  When a SCIENCE text book tells you, "but Science and Physics can't explain the spirit and the soul", when it goes on to quote 2 Corinthians and ask you to compare and contrast Paul's words regarding the church and the body... you know you have found a gem!

I know there are other great, biblically based science textbooks out there.  But I had to share how my spirit was blessed today by this one!

May you revel in simple blessings of astonishing truths today!

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