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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just a Season

Nothing is as expected these days.  Who knew when we hit the road almost 8 weeks ago now that, in our very own country, Internet access and regular blogging would be so difficult.  Most days I have done alright without this connection... but some days I just miss tapping into the virtual world, saying "HI" and seeing what everyone else is doing. 

Some of the unexpected things that have kept me from net or writing:

  • Back and forth and back and forth to Alabama more than a few times in one month.  I thought we would plant our feet for a time in Birmingham.  Instead we spent a great deal of time either traveling or in limbo.
  • Living at a no-Internet access campground for a week.
  • Living out of our car for a week.
  • Staying at a house made of brick with no Wi-Fi and the only connection a slim sliver through the living room window... which I seldom access because the weeks of travel and strange living conditions have postponed more school work than I care to admit - so we have played a lot of catch-up lately!
  • And as if catching up on behind school work wasn't enough to keep me spinning, the latest challenge has been the RV God led us to... and the broken down state it has become.  Repairs and planning, cleaning and praying.  The work feels endless but I am trusting the purpose.

Why is it such a big deal?  Because I love to write.  To pour out the messages God gives me... to share the trials and tribulations of this one small life in this one Big world.  The hope that whatever I might endure at any given time might inspire others at any given time... not to give up, keep drawing closer to Jesus, clearer to live in all of life's demands.

But scripture is true...

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
- Ecclesiastes 3:1

These times are but a blink, a moment, a passing season.  My hope is in the Lord and my faith is renewed daily when the trials and challenges and changing expectations are met with rays of light that bring hope of a Greater Plan at work.

My other favorite saying lately:

"I may not know what tomorrow holds,
But I know Who holds tomorrow!"
- Amen!!

May the season you travel through just now be blessed in all the little corners from beginning to end... before we know it, a new season will dawn.


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