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Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Way of Life

We are not saved by our works (the things we do for Christ or for others).


We are saved for works... the Spirit that comes to dwell in us wants to move through us.  We won't have to try or do... we simply won't be able to help ourselves... good works will just fall out of us all over the place!

The good things we do should be our very way of life... like breathing and blinking.

It is how God prepared it.

It is how he intended us.

Let us breathe Christ.

May you be led by the spirit into a way of life filled with good works... may you shine to others through the good works God has created you for!

Be Blessed this Sunday,

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  1. Hi Amanda
    I linked-up after you at Barbie's, so here I am visiting and am I glad. Dear one, not many people come to that thruth that good works will be as natural as breathing or blinking for it will not be us anymore, it will be our Lord living His Life in and through us!
    Have a blessed Sunday

    1. I'm so glad you did too! Thank you for sharing and God bless your week!

  2. Yes, Ma'am.
    We won't have to try or do... we simply won't be able to help ourselves... good works will just fall out of us all over the place!
    We have been programmed to think that good works are always intentionally done outside our normal sphere of influence, but these are the abiding good works--always present, and so easily made invisible.

    1. Yes! Thank you so much for extending on that - so true! Blessings to you!

  3. According to Psalm 91:1, we "shall abide under the shadow of the almighty"; Therefore, if we are to abide under HIS shadow, works should naturally occur because they are a reflection of HIM.

    1. Victory, Beautifully put. Psalm 91 offers so much insight into a life that lives... thank you for sharing! Blessings.

  4. That is one of my favorite verse...our world puts such a price on finding our purpose and that just sums it up...He has created us good works for us to do so we should find them and do them :-)

    1. Marty, you hit the nail on the head... isn't always the world vs. the Life arguement? The world will only chain us with expectations we can not meet. In the book, "Experiencing God" the author states, "We should look for the places God is working and simply join him". His work is all around us, we just need to open our eyes to see! Blessings to you!

  5. It feels like Spring here, too, and fresh flowers sound lovely. Imagine if we all lived the way He made us. Thanks for linking with Scripture & A Snapshot at a glimpse of our life. I'm following your blog now.

    1. Jennifer, thank you for hosting such a valuable meme and thank you for following. God Bless you!

  6. What a great reminder! Thanks for the encouraging word!

    1. thank you for stopping by... praise to God for His words, I am simply the messenger! :-) Blessings,

  7. I am so thankful that it's not through what I do that I am saved. Oh to breathe in Christ! Thank you for sharing.

  8. Was there ever a more important "BUT" :) Thank you for a wonderful reminder of how God has called us to live! Happy Monday!

    1. Veronica, Oh yes... such a wonderful statement! Have a blessed week!
