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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

If...What If?

I don't know about your family but ours has always scrambled for what I would consider "appropriate" dinner conversation!  Try as I might for the 24 years I have been raising kids, mealtime seems to prompt the most obnoxious behavior.  We've tried games like "Grandma's Attic" or picked themes to encourage thoughtfulness on.  At times I would even ask the kids to detail some portion of their learning from the day not just for "review" but also as a diversion.

I try to be crafty!

Enter, "If...What If?", a unique family devotion put together by father-son team Tony and Daniel Myles.
This book was birthed from the many family conversations they had enjoyed over the years and centers around an acronym-based theme, There is Hope.  They have put together 365 days worth of devotions spanning both the Old and New Testament and covering the topics of:


Shhh (for years God didn't reveal Himself)

Hero (Jesus)

What makes this book unique is how it doesn't stop with simple scripture devos.  Nope, the father-son team go on to challenge families to have real conversations...

With it's easy to read and concise layout, each lesson begins with "If" and corresponding "What if" questions to get family members talking.  Once discussion juices are flowing, the family can move onto the scripture reading and a brief devotion on the topic.  After the devo, the Myleses have added an encouraging note or quote to inspire everyone.  Finally, they close out the study with another set of "If"... "What if" questions for final discussion.

No more dull (or obnoxious) dinner or family time conversations!  As I thumbed through this book I found myself lamenting as to where it had been while my children were growing up!!  Oh, the thought-provokers we could have enjoyed!  They may all be (mostly) adults now, but I do believe we will begin implementing this study around our dinner table!

"What if" is designed for use with all ages.  The authors make a great point in their intro: even the youngests can glean valuable tidbits even if they don't have as much to offer to the conversation at times.  Concerned about family members who are in a rebellious stage?  This book can draw them in as well as Tony and Myles handle even the harder topics of the faith with clear and poignant answers.

I highly recommend this useful read which can give depth to any family time for years to come.  Also, if you hop over to Lifeway right now, it is on sale for 40% off!! (link in text)  Be sure to check it out.


I received a complimentary copy of this book from Lifeway in exchange for my review. This review is my opinion alone.

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