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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Living In-Between Miracles

And he cautioned them, saying, "Watch out—beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod." They said to one another, "It is because we have no bread." And becoming aware of it, Jesus said to them, "Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? 
- Mark 8:15-17 (NRSV)

I am wrapping up my eSBS inductive study of the book of Mark this week.  Just when I thought I knew the gospels, I find they are still absolutely reMARKable!  Chapter 8, in particular, found my heart aching.

I ached at the Pharisees' wicked plots, the disciples continued lack of understanding and finally, the condemnation of whole towns for seeing miracles but still not repenting.  This chapter is almost like a dirge and as I listen to the sad strums of reminiscence in lost hope, I am compelled to stay ever-vigilant to the face of my own faith.   

It is so easy to become lost in the world and worldly ways and things.  To mourn loss and lacking.  To forget the Signs of faith and hope, like the Jewish people wandering 40 years for their lack of remembering faith and Who.  It is in this state that we find parts of heart becoming hard...  

After studying Mark 8 I found my heart crying out, "May I not forget His miracles in my life… may I always remain humble enough to readily repent, for His grace is amazing and His forgiveness supreme.  May my heart never, in any part, grow hard".  

I do not wish to be only focused on what His hand can place in my life; He is not a miracle dispenser (push C2 for the nutty kind).  I wish to always, in all circumstances, remember he is a life sustainer with miracles thrown in now and again to give us hope and renew our faith. I wish to live fullest in-between miracles and most blessed within.  To simply know the peace of His always presence even when I can't see him there.

May you live fully each day in-between miracles knowing his blessings remain both in season and out and His presence is never far from those who call His name.

Be blessed,


  1. Oh, that broken, yet brought back together. Yes,the plots and they remind me...of how I fall short daily!!!! Amanda, I always think of you and pray for you...and am thankful for your ministry!!!! You bless me and so many! Thank you!

    1. Rebecca, Thank you so very much for your encouragement! You are in my prayers as well... I am blessed to make treasured friends like you through sharing God's messages and Word. May He Bless you always :-)

  2. new follower from MMS - It is amazing how God can show us something we've never seen before in passages we've read plenty of times :)

    1. Kelli, welcome, I am so blessed you stopped by and joined us! It warms my heart to know you could enjoy His Word here today. Yes, one fingerprint of God is His living, breathing Word and how it transforms when we read it! I pray His Word continues to bless your heart each day!

  3. Miracles, big and small, are oh so important to recall! Thank you for this great reminder, visiting from MMS!

    1. Thank you for stopping by! Yes, and it is hard sometimes to remember during those in-between times :-) Be blessed!

  4. Thank you for these words! I feel like I'm living in between miracles right now and am learning the beautiful lesson (again!) of being sure that I'm seeking Him because of Who He is, not for what He does.

    1. Jennifer... so many times God will put a message on my heart and as I prepare to post it, he puts you in front of me and I feel led to pray. You are a strong woman and He is always holding you close... especially in-between. May you feel His presence today :)
