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Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Portion, My Lot

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.  
- Psalm 16:5

I have been trying to study 1&2 Timothy as a progression from Ephesians (Timothy written to Timothy who is in Ephesus)  But God keeps drawing me through a deeper than surface study of Psalms. 

I have been reading one Psalm a day and truly pondering the words... and the "whys" there. 

And at the same time, I am walking through my own trials where I am.  Called to minister in a place where religion takes precedence over our a relationship with Christ.  My heart aches daily over the lost who think they are found... lost because they don't truly turn to their Savior but instead turn to the world.  And in this turning, our family comes under attack.

We are called crazy for  believing God did give us a broken RV... seeing His hand to get it fixed. 

We are called outrageous for encouraging a study of the Truth Project or any other group activity that might reveal more of God and less of religious blindness.

We are criticized for trusting God to provide and not taking control for ourselves (Our ways always fail but God's way has never failed us!)

It is an upside down world and in the midst, David's trials speak to me.  His faith amidst outrageous accusations and pursuits breathes life into my heart. 

I read 16:5... all of 16 is beautiful... but verse 5 reminded me that I choose Jesus.  I can be strong in the face of troubles because he fills my cup and holds all that I am, all that I will ever be.  In His hands I have hope and peace.

I pray  you know His hope and peace, no matter your "lot" right now.


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