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Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Kingdom Come

Yesterday I wrote on KOG about a controversial topic in today's age of compromise and political correctness within the church:  Compromise or Common Ground.  It is a passionate subject of mine which God has burdened my heart to speak on.  To be the true church and not a shadow of, standing behind secular society afraid to be spotted.

Too much of our faith is in danger in the current world political climate.  It sneaks into the small things said and the big things left unsaid in the Christian Community.  But we were created and put in this time to affect change and bring a Kingdom not of this world.

As I wrote the article, this song came to mind and I wanted to share it here today.  Whether or not you like this type of music, it is the words which are most profound and give cause for thought:

May God's Kingdom come into your heart today and issue forth through all you do.  For then, where you are, His Kingdom will be.... something to think about.

Linking up with a different Michelle at Intentional.Me :


  1. Thanks for the great post and song! Found you from Thought Provoking Thursday -- hope you'll visit me too!
    God bless,

  2. Thank you... God brought me to it! I will swing by :-) Have a blessed weekend!
