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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Grafted In the Vine

I have a new resource up and I am praising God for the ability to put it together quicker than I expected!  It is on the right side bar here and it looks like this:

This is something I am very passionate about... the core of my calling into ministry: Teaching women to study their Bible in such a way that they develop a deep and lasting relationship with Christ.

The drive for me to assemble resources, during our time here in Phoenix, has come from helping a local church develop a women's ministry.  Through initial meeting development, God showed me a vision for:

I hope to have this resource up soon as well.  It is the first installment of a study series geared towards helping women see their potential in ministry as they walk through a daily Bible Study that also serves the purpose of showing them just how easy it is to take just 5 or 10 minutes in the Word each day!

My most profound memories of my earlier years walking with Christ were of those late nights and early mornings curled up on my couch with the Good Book and a journal in my lap.  All the times when the Word breathed out and I breathed in and more of the Father filled me with peace and hope and understanding.  

All that breathing and growing even while my husband was still not a Christ follower.  All those mornings and evenings with babies and toddlers and teenagers.  Through financial struggles and fruitful times... through it all I was grafted in and I grew and I bore fruit and I found.

My passion is that others would find too.  Others would be grafted and fruit bearing and growing in faith and devotion and relationship... to know the peace and hope and understanding in good times and in bad, simply because God's Word was touchable.

As we get re-settled into Montana over the next few months, I hope to fully develop this series, and gradually upload each piece to this site as I get them done!

For now, from sunny Phoenix Arizona, for just a little longer, I pray you are grafted in.  I pray you will share your faith, loudly from the rooftops, because of deep breathing understanding discovered in quiet mornings and slow-down evenings.


 Also sharing this news in these places

**I welcome unlimited downloads and print-offs of these materials... they are meant to GROW the body of Christ.  I only request that you do NOT re-sell this material or change it in anyway without my permission.


  1. Can't wait to see what you post.. New follower :)

    1. Then... I can't wait to see what God gives me to share! Blessings new follower :-)

  2. Hi, Amanda. What a great testimony of how God was preparing you many years ago for your calling to encourage women to grow in our relationship with Him through His Word! Great ideas and tips help us read/study the Bible!
    In His Love, ❤Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

    1. Thank you, Ann. God has been so amazing in my life, I feel the least I can do is shout it from the roof-tops and share!
      Blessings to YOU!

  3. Thank you Amanda, I am going to check it out in just a minute as I would love to have my time with the Lord revitalized. It has been a little different with caring for tiny babies the last two months. I am faithful to my time with the Lord but up for the ideas you are sharing. Montana sounds wonderful!!

    Thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this week.

    1. I hope the download helps :-) God bless you and those little babies!
