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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Well-side Encounters

There were equal signs this week... and un-equal signs and Facebook and boldness from people who love Jesus more than they love life and acceptance in what is 'deemed norm' by all.  I'm not typically outwardly 'political' but this issue wasn't politics... it was Bible and Christian brothers and sisters were being verbally martyred... so I stood up, beside my spiritual siblings, I spoke up and took the fall.  But Jesus is worth it, he blessed me with rebuttals and peace and in the end I will not be ashamed. 

So as I studied John 4 this morning, these thoughts came to my mind...

There was a woman,
and a well,
and a man who was more than meets the eye.

This man asked,
the woman answered,
and through their conversation she SAW.

There were men,
on an errand,
who returned to find their Master
talking to a woman,
by a well
who simply was not accepted.

She was searching,
without knowing,
and Jesus had the answers. 
He healed her,
not physically,
but her heart was made new that day.

The disciples,
they pondered,
'how could you talk to a Samaritan'
and Jesus,
he knew,
because he created them all.

He didn't come
to be accepted
or to do what made everyone happy
He came
to be Truth
that we all might not be lost.

In life,
we have choices,
to follow the Risen Savior. 
To speak out,
speak up,
against and without regard
to what is socially norm.

It may be normal
to do wrong,
to go against the Bible. 
To speak out,
against it,
may just seem absurd.

In an age of,
we deny the well-side encounters. 
To Speak Truth,
like a savior,
about all that has been wrong.

But it is through
these well-side encounters
that eyes begin to open
a life
marred with sin
can finally be made whole.

If you
today are thinking
of well-side encounters
where the Bible
is shining
and sin is shown wrong
Speak loving
but speak boldly
even if it is not acceptable
because Jesus
in loving boldness
set an example for us all.

 ...a little something to to Think About


Linking up, with some GREAT blogs including Thought Provoking Thursday

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