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Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Mother's Homeschool Journal #11

In my life this week…
The week started with church in Lakeside (our home church) and 4th of July with friends old and new.  It was so nice to spend time in our 'home' town with people we love and have missed! 
Before heading down there on Monday, we enjoyed the parade here in town and an ice-cream social at my favorite turn-of-the-century house!  (Conrad Mansion is a local museum commemorating one of the founding families in our area)

It was missions newsletter week as well.  It never fails that missions newsletter week usually incites spiritual warfare.  I am getting better at identifying it, and mostly better at fighting it, but it still stole some of my joy, especially when hubby and I went at odds for a few days :-(  I missed one post here at The Faithful Homeschool and never had a chance to do Summer of Science or any serious exploration with the kids as a result.  

In the end, God answered all my calls for help and guidance.  The enemy is rebuked and peace has returned.  The newsletter is done and I truly believe God has something big in store for the message in July's newsletter or the trouble the enemy started wouldn't have been near so bad!!  (Hubby should have July's newsletter up on our KOG website by the beginning of next week.  Message me if you would like an emailed copy)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Next week will be farely low-key compared to this week!  I think we need it after this past week!  We will do Library Tuesday and Picnic in the Park Wednesday.  If it is hot enough, I may take the kids to the beach... we shall see what God has in store!

My favorite thing this week was…
  4th of July with friends and finishing the newsletter!
 The brown house in the background use to be ours!  It still sits empty :-(  

Things I’m working on…
501c3... actually, first a vision statement.  Also working on stuffing and addressing envelopes with completed newsletter!  Monday I hope to order the kids' math books (God willing!) so I need to work out exactly what I need to order!  And lastly, still need to work on my menu plan for the month... before the month is over! 

I’m reading…
First step as we prepare for our non-profit paperwork is developing a comprehensible vision statement for our ministry.  God blessed me with this book and it is helping soooo very much!  (It is great for anyone in church or missions leadership of any kind!)

And guess what?  I FINALLY finished How to Read a Book!  I also finished Philemon which means now I am reading Titus!  (I love Titus!)  It is the last book in my first e-SBS module... so excited!
I’m praying for…
A positive mind and heart and peace through the pile of to-dos!

Questions/thoughts I have…
I am prayerfully thinking on how to manage our school year schedule around newsletter week as per the problems that always arise that week.  It isn't just the problems, though, it is the business of writing, copying, and mailing.  I often have the kids help with the mailing part.  However, once a month having a light load in our homework week would be nice for them and me... all that is left is coordination as I consider schedule and lesson planning for the new school year!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
 Nothing says the 4th like FREE ice-cream on the front lawn of a century+ year old house!  I felt so elegant, even in our modern day clothes!  (Brenden had chocolate, can you tell?!)

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