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Monday, April 25, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays #31-40

Counting Miscellany blessings and considering gratitude in Multitude on Monday....

31.  My repetitive message of thankfulness today was "His inspired revelation".  Realizing Truths God wants you to see at just the right moment, with all the right information, in such a way that grows your faith.... it is like feeling His very presence in the room!

32.  Beautiful bubbles and the darling hands that make them!

33.  Patiently waiting on porch swings and keeping busy all the while :-)  It makes getting out the door so much easier when my sweeties aren't dancing around me asking, "when are we leaving, when are we leaving"!

34.  I may miss the baby days, but I do love the older stages as well!  Like the picture above and ability to self-entertain, it was quite joyful to watch my two oldest having fun hiding the Easter eggs this year!

35.  The sweet things in life!

36.  Spring time beauty on display... just another sample of God's lovely pallet!

37.  Colored Easter eggs all in a row.  Do you realize just how marvelous an egg is in God's creation?  The shape, the pores, the composition of the yolk.... all perfectly created by the Master!

38.  Our hearts may be stained with sin, but Jesus washes us white like snow.  Like the remarkable ways our skin is stained with die, time and faith (that soap will eventually work!) will have us good as new!

39.  Unexpected springtime perfection of weather for a joy-filled Easter Sunday.  God is so amazing when he shines his light from sun and from Son!  Hallelujah He Lives!

40.  My 4 favorite young people.  All quite different yet they all find a way to get along and have fun.  I know it is God's love that rests in their hearts which creates in them such a joy filled spirit.  I praise and thank Him for his care in such ways!

May you rest in His care in multitude this week!

I post each Monday to share miscellaneous blessings and ponderings of our Great and Mighty God.  I share these posts at A Holy Experience (button at top of blog) and Lower Case Letters (above).  Join me :-)


  1. i am linked up at ann's blog as well and try to visit the link to the left and the right of mine each week. you were one of them. i have four kids as well, but all boys ranging from 7 yrs - 9 mos. bless you - looks like i have a lot of fun to look forward to. :)

    my recent post: when expectations come crashing down

  2. Lovely article, thank you for sharing! Sounds like you are truly touched by the Spirit. We will pray for your mission. I like your idea to check the posts before and after you. I could never begin to read them all! Your approach is much better and I shall try that!

    Yes, children are a joy that fills my heart... I would have had more if I could have! But God said no :-)

    Thank you for stopping by!
