Come one - Come all - It's a back-to-school carnival!
Who doesn't love a carnival? Throw some crayons and notebook paper and back-to-school fun in and you are set for a GREAT Tuesday read!
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Photo Credit:Stock.xchng and Everything Home with Carol |
While I work diligently this week on scraping together our hodge-podge curriculum to form comprehensive lesson plans, I have been blessed to also find myself sifting through the carnival submissions and enjoying the pleasure of being inspired by many others currently schooling or preparing to school for the 2011/2012 school year, .
Even though we have freedom in homeschooling, we often find ourselves, from time to time, at the mercy of the neighborhood kids' public school schedule or a pending graduate's college ambitions. Whatever the reason (or non-reason) for celebrating 'back-to-school' in the not-so-traditional-setting of home, fresh starts are always inspiring.
Did I already use that word? I can't help it! Check out why:
A homeschool schedule is essential to a successful homeschool year... even if it just looks pretty hanging on the fridge!
- Everything Home with Carol sounds ready-to-go with a great plan that won't just look pretty, it will function too!
- Deirdre at Mommy Writes shares her take on what is and isn't part of a great schedule.
- One can't forget this most critical element of any successful homeschool: Quiet time! Read how TaMara does it @ The Sloan Homeschool.
- Lisa @ Golden Grasses shares her tips, tricks and thoughts on scheduling her school year.
- Henry Cate has some good ideas at Why Homeschool when the neighborhood kids climb on the bus and our kids aren't quite ready for that full schedule yet.
- And a comparative list of what one homeschooling mom ordered this year can be found at Waiting for Charlie...
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Some really GREAT and fun ideas for interactive activities you and your kids can enjoy together are just a few clicks away as well.
- Tiffany @ Nature Mom's Blog explains Geocaching and her ideas for a Family Treasure Hunt.
- Amy shares some great books to wrap up our summer with @ her site, Delightful Children's Books.
- Speaking of books, as you sprawl into fall, try one of these cozy ideas for reading nooks offered by Kelly @ The Homeschool Co-op.
- Lynn @ Eclectic Education has some fun ideas for living the farm-type life in an urban setting. We can just imagine all the wonderful educational applications that can come from her dream made real!
- Laura Grace Weldon hits the nail on the head with her article about Making History Relevant. She doesn't just explain how, she inspires a passion that would make any kid want to learn about History!
- And when History meets Geography, Jen's helpful links @ Chestnut Grove Academy will definitely be at the top of my list this year!
- Talk about life-learning, Pamela at Blah Blah Blog had some hum-dingers that her and her children were able to chalk up as great lessons this summer!
- When you want to really get your kids actively learning and investing in their futures, consider Robin's article @ Crack the Egg where she shares ideas and links on teens starting a micro business.
- Your taste buds will be tantalized when you visit Katie @ Home Is Possible where she shares a wholesome recipe/activity for some hands-on learning!
As the school year presses on and you ask yourself "Did I make the right decision in homeschooling?"...
- you can be inspired by this article from Loretta @ The Heart of a Homekeeper.
- Those hard times are made better with this great advice from Rhonda @ Parenting Squad
- and this hard-hitting article from renowned author, Linda Dobson's website, Parent at the Helm, will bring into sharp focus that which most parents may take for granted; the right to do what is best for their children in the face of challenges.
- For some interactive support and encouragement on the path of homeschooling, check out the quick links @ the Homeschool CPA.
- To close out our blog I just had to share a DAD's perspective! It isn't every day that the 'Women mostly' blog/homeschool world receives great insight from a homeschooling dad. This Homeschool Dad reminds us what a Good Thing we all have going!
I pray your homeschooling year, whether started, always going, or getting ready to start, is a richly blessed one. Thank you for visiting this week's addition of the Carnival of Homeschooling!
God Bless,
Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of homeschooling using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page. Our Curious Home is the next stop on the Carni trail!
All stock photo credits in this article go to Stock.xchng
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