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Friday, August 5, 2011

The Mother's Homeschool Journal #13

In my life this week…

The good with the bad and many lessons from God.  Our summer schedule was flipped on its side and a family we are ministering posed some challenges to my heart.  I have missed many blogs the last three weeks on account of Google/Blogger suddenly not wanting to work well with Firefox.  I am having to use IE and IE doesn't like my copy paste and multiple upload tendencies... slowing me down and bumbing me out (My bloggy time is very limited each day and eaten up by battle with the browser)!  I like to share pictures and links with you!  Blogs are so much more fun with pictures and links :0)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

I am cleaning our old church for a friend this week and next week.  She is on vacation.  It is a drive, but I plan to take the kids, do the job, and head to the state park there on B-U-T-ful Flathead Lake! 

I also hope to pick up the pieces of this week and start over Monday with adventures on foot, a picnic in the local park and hopefully some exploring! 

Right now we are looking forward to having a cook out tonight with some friends from the Truth Project we led.

My favorite thing this week was…

Library on Tuesday... having that one normalcy and picnic on the front steps was fun.  It has been a rough week and so the other favorite would be God's revelations and answered prayer through it all.

Things I’m working on…

It is newsletter time of month!  Need to start on that :-)  501c3 will be at the top of the list for a while as well!  Finished History lesson plans!  (that should be under favorites!) Now I am working on Science.  Was blessed with some free A-beka Science and history books that will be great for Brenden and Brooke!  (Ashley already has one)  I am looking forward to incorporating them into my plans.

I’m reading…

Bible (always!)

And this book:
If Jesus Were Mayor

I'm also reading this one to help me relax in the evenings, funny how my life parallel's the main character's right now!
 The Measure of a Heart (Women of the West #6)

The kids and I are reading:
The Moffats

But all of us are kind of board with it and no-one really wants to admit it!  We are halfway through and summer vacation will be over at the end of the month... would really like to move on in our pile to this one:
The End of the Beginning: Being the Adventures of a Small Snail (and an Even Smaller Ant)
... it is in our stack and looks much more interesting.  I never like to condone unfinished books, but we may make an exception this once... I think the Moffits may get "lost".  (shhhh, don't tell!)
I’m praying for…

Peace in the turmoil, vision clarity and articulation, a new name for our website/the coorporation (long story), and discernment.  I'm having trouble keeping my brain in my e-SBS studies, praying for clear thinking and remembering in that as well. 

Questions/thoughts I have…

What a wonder that our strength is always renewable in the Lord, all we need to do is come to Him.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Blessings to you for a wonderful homeschool/summer vacation week!

P.S. I am not a very good speller and now spell check isn't working in IE, please forgive my icky grammar and pray Firefox and Blogger will make nice again! 

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