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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What are you thinking on?

It was a rough day... full of all the worky types of things that most homeschool mommy days are full of.  Add to that the drama of lives outside this house that tend to leak into mine and affect the function and peace of our household.  I was primed and ready for a good mull-it over session.

Instead, by some miracle of God, I stood at the bathroom sink brushing my teeth for bedtime recapping the day a bit differently then usual.  The drama thoughts entered and were quickly dismissed.  Concerns that needed prayer entered... and were immediately prayed over. 

With deep satisfaction and peacefulness in my heart I rinsed and finished readying for bed.  Then God spoke to my heart pure and simple, "What are you usually thinking about?"

The question was simple and meant as a reminder that all to often I use those quiet moments, the moments in between like brushing teeth and washing dishes, to mull and chew and round up presumptions and assumptions and bias and consensus.... all the things we aught not do as Christians.  I don't do it always but I do it often enough to realize the need for change, real change.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  - Philippians 4:8

Two springs ago the kids and I were studying slavery.  We read the book, "Courage to Run" by Wendy Lawton.  It is a fictional rendering of the true life of Harriet Tubman as a child growing up.  One thing that struck us all (and we will still discuss to this day) is Harriet's heart for Christ ever since she was small and the way she drew strength from the Great Giver of life more than anyone I have read of so far, from so young...

Courage To Run by Wendy Lawton p. 136
Born a slave, lived as a slave; rented, traded, pushed around, beaten, lied about and every other heart-retching thing a soul can go through in such a position yet she did not hold bitterness and anger and resentment in her heart.  She knew who her Rock was and she did not dwell on all things that might cause her to slip from that steady foundation.  She knew her strength came from Jesus and she used every small opportunity to not only acknowledge that but also to submit to it.
Oh how I desire to be as submissive as she.  How much more can the Holy Spirit live if I would just get out of the way!

I desire more teeth brushing-praying-in-the-spirit moments in my life.  I desire more of Him and less of me.  I am going to be praying for just that!

May your prayers and quiet times be filled with HIM and less with hum.  May you know the peace of a truly, submissively, always Spirit led life!


  1. Hi! Found you in front of me on Living Well Wednesdays. What a great post. Thanks for the reminder to think of Him and things of Him...even during the teeth brushing time! Oh, to breathe Him in and out! That is my life goal!

  2. I'm praying for that too, Amanda! What a wonderful testimony. I didn't know that about Harriet Tubman, but I definitely aspire to be more like her. I think that's what the Bible means when it says to "pray continually." Thank you!

  3. Kelli, so glad you saw me 'standing' there! Thank you and yes, to breathe Him in and out would be supreme!

    Jennifer, I will pray with you! I highly recommend the book, it was a wonderful read and truly inspiring.

    Blessings to you both!

  4. Amanda, I am sorry I did not make it by last week...but, am thankful God brought me back now...submission...and remembering to pray at all times....thank you!!
