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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Daring to Do More!

 What to do this week for....

I had my "D" picked out for a great essential of homeschool since Friday of last week... or so I thought!  Then came today.

I was so busy this weekend I did not get the two B's (Brenden and Brooke) spelling lists ready in time.  I was scrambling last minute this morning and we were all a bit late getting started.  As if that wasn't bad enough, once Brenden gets distracted, getting anything done is difficult (hey, another "D" word!)

We managed to finish our day... 3 hours late!  But it was good and it made me realize:  Sometimes we need some DOWN time!  Imperfect days are supplemented well with a step back, a deep breath, and time to relax.  A little down time every day is simply divine!

But my other "D" was good too.... "Dry Erase Boards!"

So my final decision (ha- "D")  is to combine them both.

I have found Dry Erase Boards essential  in homeschooling because of the learning disabilities we manage.  They came highly recommended from some Learning Disability sources I researched when I first started homeschooling and I don't regret them for a minute!

Each of my children has their own hand-held dry erase board (sometimes it feels like old-time chalk board schooling!) and I have one about twice their size for when we are sitting and reviewing...

 ... I also have a large magnetic dry-erase board which I just LOVE.  It came with magnetic eraser and magnetic "push pins" and clips.  You can imagine the multitude of uses those are!

I use my magnet clips (which also flip) to hang their reminder for things to get done before they start their work.  Sometimes they are over-zealous and, while the school work is done, their teeth aren't brushed and morning chores are neglected!  Living in someone else's house... that is not ok!  (But God Bless 'em for their ambition!)

I was blessed with a neat little pocket to put our pens and misc. goodies in.  So convenient!

 I also have a basket with even more markers (and a variety of colors) for more colorful projects of for when the kids are sitting down with their boards (I just plop the basket in the middle of them all). 

Dry Erase boards also inspire participation.  Ashley LOVES to work on the big board... whether answering questions or leading others in a project or lesson.  (Here she is Diagramming sentences!)

The Bs like practicing spelling on theirs :)

Down time is made more fun with dry-erase boards as well!!

So that is it!  Down time when you feel run over (totally essential) and do it guilt free... even God rested, I don't think mom's accept that for themselves quite like they should!  Kids need it too.  School work wears out their brains!  Have some recess, take an afternoon off... whatever you do, just lean on the Lord not on man.  Worry not for what books say needs to be done and rest more on what God wants to see done. 

AND Dry Erase boards (+ Down time = fun!)

However you Do homeschool, do it with all your heart as doing for the Lord :-) 

(I just remembered another "D" essential... "Day Planner"!!!!!!!!!!!!)


  1. I love the idea of each child having their own dry erase board..... I love mine and the kids share it!!

    Nice post!


  2. Mary,
    Thank you. We have a grand time with those boards! It makes all of our school work more fun :-)
