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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looking for New Life

How often do we leave home to look for new life?
We move on, we take a vacation, we go on a picnic... all to experience a 'new life' in a new place doing something even slightly different.

It can be frustrating when we are looking for 'new life' but can't seem to just get away and find it.  Schedule, family, time, car... the reasons are numerous.  We ache and groan to our very soul just hoping to find that 'new life' we feel we so desperately need.

It was years, literally, before I could ever really get away for a breath of 'new life', a piece of renewal.  In that time, I kept my sanity by finding re-birthing opportunities within each day.  New life in the simplicity of it all...

 Like the exhilaration of waves crashing to shore awakening our beings to life in Creation...

... or seeing a tree and knowing the forest around was started in one seed.

New life is not only within, it is also found with-out.  It is sitting in the middle of the yard with the soft grass underneath, breathing in the sweetness and warming in the sun.

With each sunrise springs new life in a new day and a new hope for renewing in the presence of God.

Jesus left home to give new life.  He went far from above, trudged down below, and all for love.  When our souls cry out to get away and renew life within, we can lean into the One who came to give it.  Not just at salvation, but every day after is an opportunity for renewal of spirit.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.  - Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

I know I shared this song on Monday, but for those who didn't see it, it is worth sharing again!
When the nights seem long and the days seem longer, play this song, meditate on the Lord, and believe that your New Life and New Hope and Peace of Heart is found simply by being in His presence.

God Bless as you find renewal in the life of Christ!


  1. I'm so glad you linked up with Mustard Seed Planting today! I appreciate the encouragement to stay close to Him and find peace and refreshing regardless of your physical location!

  2. Beautiful post and beautiful song. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy iFellowship! :o)

  3. Jennifer, Thank you. I love linking up with Mustard Seed :-) I struggled for years in search of private peace thinking I needed to 'go' somewhere to get that renewal. It was such a blessing when I finally realized I needn't go far!

    Larri, Thank you, I give God all the glory!
