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Monday, June 27, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays #151-180

I like the simple version, of simple listing, and simply stated thoughts like I did last week... I think I will do that again!

 #151  Deep in Philemon
#152  Deep in any part of God's Word is always rewarding
#153 ... which reminds me of the most inspirational verse to me in Philemon, encouraging me in my studies:

I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective when you perceive all the good that we may do for Christ.  - Philemon 1:6 (NRSV)

#154 The greatest SBS staff to have... and her family with ours :0)
#155  Dinner with dear friends

 #156  A choir of voice in praise to God

#157  The lyrics of this song as I begin e-SBS (reminded as I listened to 2011 SBS Grads above sing it at their ceremony last week!)

 #158  Seeing friends one more time before they live for home countries

#159  The river gets higher but God keeps us safe... so true with all aspects of life!
 #160  God's sweetness in nature
#161  He cares about sweet moments in our lives too.

 #162  The soft glow of summer nights
#163  The protection of HIS divine light
 #164  Playing in the shadows
#165  Laughing hard with my sweetheart
#166  Feeling old-fashioned... even if only in silhouette

 #167  Taking the path less traveled
#168  Seeing new sites...
#169  Finding new perspective

 #170  Little girl smiles
#171  Little girl freckles!

 #172  Soap suds on asphalt
#173  Sopping wet summer days

 #174  Kabobs!  A fun and different way to eat dinner
#175  Celebrating the first day of summer with food and fun... even the Israelites celebrated with food and fun!
#176  Reconciliation with parents and son
#177  Like the reconciliation we find in our Heavenly Father... I am humbled
#178  Summer to-dos slowly being checked off by God's good strength
#179  Long walks with time to smell the flowers
#180  Soft green grass in golden rays of son

May all pastures seem GREEN from all sides because of the Father's Love.

God Bless!

Every life has testimonies of how God intercedes to show His power and glory.  To read the first installment in a brand new series of books about God's divine work in one person's life, click below


  1. great list! love 166... i adore feeling old-fashioned. nice to meet you this morning.

  2. Amy, Thank you! Good to meet you as well!
