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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lamp at my Side

All this week I have struggled with something.  Each time I think a turn is taking me to 'better', I trip.

Why does that happen?  Why do we do good... do good... do good.... and then plop, we fall?  Is it lack of faith or lack of looking?

I think, perhaps, it is neither.  Sometimes we take God for granted.  Like anything and everyone around us, we just know he is there so we press forward so fast that when we stop and find ourselves in the middle of darkness we panic.  God, are you there?  It is dark, I am scared, I am alone.

Then a voice whispers from the abyss that surrounds, I am here.  You were so focused on forward you didn't see me right beside you when you entered into the darkness... but I am here, I have not left.

 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105

We turn and see the Lamp.  He stands tall and bright and He does not fail.

I may forget and start to press too far forward without setting the Lamp before, taking for granted that He will come up behind, then I pause and I rest and I let the glow of His lamp comfort me.

It will be alright.

May you rest in the glow of His lamp today.


Thank you, Photobucket, for the lovely lamp image


  1. I trip up all the time! And yet, He catches me, gently reminding me of His presence. Excellent post. Thanks for sharing. Happy iFellowship! :o)

  2. Thank you for the encouragement to rest in the light of the Lamp today! I needed to remember that He is with me and that He is always there in the darkness.

    I'm glad you linked up with Mustard Seed Planting at Mom's Mustard Seeds today!

  3. Simply beautiful! I seriously think I have two left feet!!!! I trip all of the time and am thankful for my savior...who is always pick me up! Thanks for dropping by and linking up!

  4. Beautiful comments on this favorite verse. The Lord does not leave us in the dark!

    peace and joy

  5. Thank you ladies, your encouragement blesses my soul!
